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How many organs does the body that is the suburban landscape have? Let's find out! 

SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-317910500/154-the-burbs/s-o0ipixICf6l 




Possible Ash catch phrase: "What really steams my engine..."


Great episode. I legit love this movie. Hadn't taken the strike into account--had always assumed all the dialogue was deliberately constructed the way it was, so I always assumed exchanges like "So uh, you wanna go get one of those beef sandwiches?" "Oh uh no. I'm gonna use some of those tools my father in law gave me. Build something," were deliberately flattening out the characters, stripping them down to autonomously moving non-living cutouts. Great call on pre-Trump/pre-grunge archetypes. (Ricky had a good enough ear/could actually play music and might have gone the Dinosaur Jr/Sonic Youth route instead of Pearrrrrrrl Jam.)


Jon could reply with Empson's quip about how only the valve knows the pain of the engine (or something similar, I can't seem to find it at the moment)