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(Evil laughter, thunder, ominous wooshing)

Labor Kyle is back for round three to talk about Clive Barker's Nightbreed! Let's all drink the monster god juice and see where this one takes us! (Hint: It's everywhere!) 




This was a fantastic episode. I did not expect it to take the shape it did--with the robust and really vibrant exploration of subjectivity, but I was delighted that it did. Laborkyle is such a treasure. Thanks for this wonderful dive into one of my favorite movies. (Tangential: my most recent favorite line re subjectivity comes from the great Caitlin Kiernan's novella Agents of Dreamland, "The first rule is you are who you are, until you're not anymore.")

Horror Vanguard

LaborKyle is an absolute legend. Thanks for listening. I should really read that novella. Haven't gotten to that one yet.


I just learned the other day that Kiernan's papers are in a special collection at Brown's library. I've loved Kiernan's work and I knew that they had been involved in some pretty commercially viable stuff via the Gaiman connection, but it's weird to discover someone you have always thought of as kind of a private obsession is really a Pretty Big Deal. (Similar to hearing Ligotti shouted out when True Detective went big, or weirder still realizing a long time ago that a Pavement song was being used as the outro to a terrible sports talk show on ESPN)