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We got a lot of feedback from you ghouls about our bonus episodes and what you want to see. 

The biggest single piece of feedback we got was that reading a whole book can be hard to keep up with. So we are going to mix it up and use short stories, essays, and smaller bits of reading for our new Arcane Book Club of Horrors texts! 

We're starting in February with Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. This is going to be so much spooky fun. 

That's not the only change. Your ghosts are also going to be adding some mini-episodes to our rotation of exclusive bonus content in addition to the ABCoH so stay tuned for some ghastly good times! 

We also got a lot of calls to start covering fiction, video games, and other horror art and if the Shirley Jackson book club didn't tip you off, we have some exciting things coming your way. 

Stay Spooky,



Doug Dee

Hmm.. I will miss the books. Splatter Capital, etc., Mark Fisher, were great finds. Maybe you could have a suggested titles for people who would like to read books on their own?

Horror Vanguard

Oh yeah! We can definitely add some further reading suggestions into our episodes. That' a great idea.