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op monsters


Joey 104

soooooo this was closer to one piece then I thought


Just leave it to Netflix to not translate any text on screen... as always.

Right-Hand Man

It was ok, not gripping right off the bat but it picked up towards the end. I really enjoyed the black and white animation and the slaying of the dragon. I do agree that we needed not just more episode time but also a more solid storyline to start off on. They spent more time telling the story of Flair and Shirano "saving" her and now what?. Are we done with Flair? Ryuma left the town so I'm assuming, yes? Despite that, I still liked it and in my own personal opinion, I'm saying that this IS a part of the One Piece universe. Whether its canon or not, it doesn't matter. The story takes place in the past and we are following Ryuma's life. It doesn't need to be connected to the Straw Hats and them pursuing their dreams to be a part of that universe.


Oda’s first one shot before OP. Only so much you can do with 25 mins, I liked it. I read it years ago, but didn’t remember much. Pretty sure he based Op’s Ryuma off of this one, but canonically they’re two different people in two different universes.


Oda wrote this before One Piece, so more than 27 years ago, its fair to say he hadnt reached his potential as a writer. I would like to see Oda write stories about Ryuma nowadays with all his writing skills he has now. Especially since Ryuma is so legendary in the One Piece world, he deserved a new and improved story. Though this one shot isnt the actual story of Ryuma, but more like a beta test of his story.


Basically, it’s canon.