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op 1085

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Paul Reyes

Wano was waaaay more than a couple years lmao


The retelling of what happened was definitely exaggerated for the sake of a dramatic story for the audience. Would Hiyori actually say that? To equate Kurozumi with burnt charcoal? I'm not sure, but the cycle of hatred won't end if the Kozukis and the rest of the Wano citizens don't realize that this all started because of statements like the one we heard in this episode. Like you mentioned, Tama is a Kurozumi which is very important to the story. It shows that there are innocent Kurozumis because at the end of the day, it's just a name. She was a product of the violence, her name meant nothing in the grand scheme. She suffered and her parents suffered the same as the rest of the Wano citizens. Until Wano realizes their wrongs, they'll only create more Orochis in the future.

Mr Evol

Geez Louise, July 2019?! We live in a completely different world now than we lived in before Wano 😂