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archer s3 ep 11

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The ending was a reference to a movie, I forget the name of, where the ending scene is a young couple running away that got married (I think) and in the bus they basically progressively realize what they've done and that they have to live together forever now lol

Mikail B

I looked at the ending as this, they're both cyborgs so when they looked at the old people on the bus they realized that they'd be stuck together forever without aging. And they literally just met not knowing a thing about each other, which seems like there would be a huge window of regret. Barry also killed her so their being together definitely is off-putting because they ran away together in the spur of the moment.


I believe the ending is a reference to The Graduate. Dustin Hoffman crashes a wedding and runs away with the bride in a bus. They look at each similarly over Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence” and credits roll. Really good film.