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op live action ep 3

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Burning through these episodes I see

The Nerd King Krokus

They redid alot buuut the story is still there. Im loving the new stuff. Garp and Koby being in this heavy, im loving it.

Right-Hand Man

Everything is different lol. All of their interactions, conversations, flashbacks, timelines, etc. But it's cool. I've been seeing it more as a "What If" series tbh.


It’s definitely different. Not bad just different. Missing the three kids and Jango the hypnotist though lol seems like they are giving Koby, Helmeppo and Garp way more involvement early on than the manga and anime. Like it though.


I'm loving the show, but I don't like the changes made in this ep with the three kids being removed. Those kids build up Usopp and his lies. I just feel like I'm not getting all of Usopp's character story. Love his moment with Kaya.


I’m taking it as it is lol I never get excited for stuff like this because it will never be 100 true to the source material so we gotta accept it

Mikail B

Yeahhhh, Usopp's mom died wayyyy too quickly, she needed a few more lines to really sell that scene. But overall, I'm fine with the changes, some scenes work better than the anime/manga tbh (though I'm only saying this because I usually skip this arc when I rewatch, once is good enough for me).


Hello , when will the rest of the episodes be ready?


They are playing Go, there is an anime that highlights the game called Hikaru no go. Was pretty good. It is a territory/ war game, having beneficial shapes of your pieces to make strongholds that are iron clad to enemy attacks.