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op 1055

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Law didn't re-attach Kin'emon, that was Sanji in Nami's body. Law only cut him.


It was 100% bs when Kinimon, kiku and Kanjuro were still alive, those 3 should’ve never got any more screen time


This definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Hopefully this will play out well in the end but man this was frustrating.

Right-Hand Man

I don't mind too much about how Kin'emon survived. Him and Momo are the only one's I really care about out of their whole group. I do wish that Kin'emon's body not being attached properly was somewhat mentioned/shown before his fight with Kaido. Kiku and Kanjuro should not be alive at all, along with Orochi, and I hope they don't bring back Ashura. This is war, there needs to be casualties on both sides of side characters that we've been introduced to already(except for obvious favorites of course lol).


Yay!!!! Best girl Kiku is back.


it's the dreaded chapter 1030. I bet all manga readers were waiting for This chapter to get adapted so anime only can experience it too 😈.


Kanjuro does actually die in this moment, the fire entity is not being controlled by him it’s just rampaging, he created it using his last breath. As for Orochi he knows that this fire will kill him too which is why Kanjuro said this is the Kurozumi clans suicide. But it is complete BS that Kanjuro survived up to that point. I’m fine with Kinemon living but Kiku should also dead as well.


I didn’t realize so many people hated this chapter adaption lol, it wasn’t that big of a deal with me because i know how this plays out