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op 1052

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Queen is so funny lmfao

Mr Evol

You're right, I just hope they don't drag it down with pacing. I feel like they could improve the pacing at least a little bit at this point. The manga is well over a year ahead and Oda has been healthy for years now.

Mr Evol

On Kaido getting tired - part of it might be the clouds, but Kaido has also been fighting constantly for who knows how long. Scabbards, then the Worst Generation, then Luffy, then Yamato, now Luffy again. Man has been tanking and is wearing down.


Allona isn't ready for King unmasked.

Right-Hand Man

I wonder if Sanji is feeling some kind of after-effects from using his raid suit so much? It doesn't seem like it's weakening him but maybe strengthening him? At the very least, be able to withstand those hits from Queen. How does that work?

Orange cookies

My dear you are correct. lifting an island definitely was holding back kaido. A lot of braindead fans will have you thinking that kaido lifting the island wasn’t relevant during his fight against luffy….. however they are wrong. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that lifting an island, while getting jumped by the samurai, the worse gen, hybrid Yamato, and momo, is going to definitely take a toll on kaido. A lot of people actually think luffy was the only one doing damage to kaido and that the other did 0%


He doesn't physically lift it, it doesn't affect him whatsoever and never was shown to.