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AOT 87

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I think your point about Marley is a bit naive given that we the viewers have the added info of knowing the ins and outs of paradis' situation. If the Marley people saw what we saw and knew what we knew and still collectively believed in paradis being devils and nothing else then I'd agree with you, but they don't have that information. That notion is portrayed well with Gabi. Gabi was brainwashed her entire life into thinking the people of Paradis were all devils until she actually came over here and saw how they were normal people just like her. If all Marleyans (or better yet the world) was given this chance I think they'd turn out similarly to Gabi. Information really is everything. I mean just look at whats happening in our own world between Russia and Ukraine. Through propaganda Putin is able to sway millions of Russian people into thinking what he's doing is right and justified. From our perspective, he's clearly in the wrong, but we have additional unbiased information at our disposal (sometimes). Parallel this idea to us being the viewers in this situation and Russia being Marley. The information they receive is controlled and manipulated so that they believe what the government wants them to believe just like with Marley and their citizens. The big difference here is that in the real life situation there is no threat that the people of Ukraine even pose. Given this, it's not so outlandish that the people of Marley who have been made to think a certain way their whole lives would be frightened of an actual threat (that has now come true through the rumbling).


Hmm... I see your perspective and totally agree that Information is everything. But what I don't understand from Marley's point of view is why not try to understand those who have surrendered in Liberio then. Marley isn't looking for Information they do not even have a heart of forgiveness. Yes, they were brainwashed to believe those behind the walls posed a threat BUT those behind the walls haven't done anything to them since the former founder titan fled to Paradis. Marley in a sense has caused this for themselves and now for the world. If the Marleyeans was only scared then ok, but they are not fueled by fear but more so anger and hatred. Speaking on Russia and Ukraine I honestly do not want to touch on that. What I will say is that in the present we have technology that allows us accessibility to uncover truths if we do want to actually find them. I can't talk about Russia because I do not live there so it would be out of place to talk about it though.


I think Marley doesn't even care to try to understand those in Liberio because it's like you said: they're fueled by anger and hatred. And the big difference is that they've been like that their whole life; surrounded by others who share the same feelings, surrounded by those who call an entire race devils, at some point it becomes normal. We've seen kids throughout the show in Marley question why things are the way they are, because kids are innocent, they're without bias, and they're curious. It's not until they keep getting bombarded with the same ideas that their thoughts start to align with those around them. And while their is anger towards those in Liberio, there aren't necessarily afraid of them. We see that in the latest episode where that group exclaims that the true enemies are the ones in the wall, not the Eldians around the world. So, it's naive and it's stupid, but the Marleyans are punishing the Eldians for the sins of their ancestors which connects back to it being a "cycle of revenge fueled by hatred" that Eren is looking to stop. And with all this said, I'm sure there are Marleyans that have questioned or even do disagree with the treatment of Eldians. However, societal norms and the pressure of the government would never allow them to openly express these concerns. Lastly, I didn't want to get political or anything, I just saw this recent current event as a fitting parallel to the situation in aot.


bruh no need to look into it so much. Just watch the show.


Lol what a weird take... The whole point of the comment section is to have discussions, especially about such a complicated show like AoT. Allona asks people about their thoughts too. Why even write a comment like that?