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Watch "AOT EPISODE 10" on Streamable.



This is why this series is so good at what it does. This situation isn't the result of a misunderstanding or a lack of communication. Our crew chose to save the world over their island with their friends and family. They have accepted that if they stop Eren there is a large chance the survivors will seek retaliation against Eldians and wipe them out. So with that said, our guys are the traitors this time. I can understand why the other Eldians would see people looking to stop Eren as people who are fighting to kill them and their family and I see why they would want to kill them regardless of any past relationships. But to drive the emotional knife even deeper we can see that Samuel and Daz really didn't want to kill Armin and Conny. Samuel shot Armin all in non-lethal areas for a titan shifter and he didn't touch Conny. It reminds me of the time way back in season 3 where Armin had to kill that MP to save Jean and the only reason he was able to was because that MP hesitated and didn't want to kill someone who she probably viewed as someone on the same side as them. There is no black and white when it comes to morality here and no ones hands are clean.


the "snitches" are armin and conny because they "betrayed" eldias future based on what floch said


and btw allona when can we expect some more jojo? im having withdrawls lmao