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solo leveling chp 12-24

Watch "solo leveling chp 12-24" on Streamable.


Master Oogway

finished watching, just to let you know, he get 3 a stat point per training daily and can put them in which ever category, like he invested in strength mostly that's why its higher then the rest. while each level +1 stat point in all category.


id take a 15 day break get 35 strength then take that poison item, the other 10 stat points id put into agility and intelligence, tho i might go for another 10 days break after to prepare for anything else id face later. planning, preparation, theorize scenarios, expect the unexpected and make sure im ready for the worst i can think of :D lol


a civilian who said stupid shit like that, id grab them and pretend to seriously pull him to the front of the crowd and towards the monster saying "u sound strong, how about u kill that thing then and protect us" since its some1 conceited and stupid like that theyd probably say "no way i cant fight that thing" "then y r talking shit about those guys who r putting their lives on the line to protect us, property damage? thats the monsters fault what about the reason were still alive rather than in pieces killed that monster, that would b thanks to those hunters. so yell as loud as you can put ur heart into it and b thankful otherwise..." if he didnt say anything id start dragging them forward again. :/