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I do not know what to make out of what is going on now in Askeladd's head.


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Setsuna Yuen

He's the man who will do anything to achieve his goal. That aside, he doesn't have much choice left under such situation. Stuff like this did happened in those eras unfortunately. Viking is wicked.


Askeladd really doesn't want to be a leader of Danes with all this blood on his hands. It makes him too much like his father, Olaf who he hated for mistreating his mother. He's like Thors in that way, except he can't run away. At least not until Wales is safe from the Danes, yet here he is in England murdering people.


The Danes were associated with the devil a lot cause they attacked churchs. Churchs would be unprotected because everyone in the land is christian but Vikings dgaf about that. The first Vikings attack on England was a church too.


I think shes Elated because she realizes how trivial her stealing a ring is in comparison to askelaa and that she has a chance at Heaven now