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The beginning of course had a lot of recaps to me but this ending though!!! AHHHH!!!


(No title)



It’s sad the pacing has to suffer but hey, it is what it is nowadays. At least we have better animation in Wano

Dante Moten

I really enjoyed this episode. One Piece has always had issues maintaining consistency with its pacing. This will likely continue due to the story being so close (literally in the same arc) in the anime and manga. However, I do like the fact that they are trying to be more creative in how they pad episodes. Everything after the title card in this episode was reanimated and dubbed, despite it already being a scene we've already seen.


The Rayleigh scene wasn’t redrawn or referenced in the manga I believe, so people must have gone ahead and told u it was the same thing😅


This pacing is disgusting lol its why i changed to the manga during wano and I wish it started earlier. You could give a few chapters a go then go back to the anime? :)


she hasnt used haki since she got there either, shes been pure brute force the entire time O.O so queen was right about her being a raging boar b4, now shes gonna go all out cuz shes pissed, idt shell have a hunger pain yet tho which is worse since she doesnt use her smarts and doesnt go all out then, or at least she didnt last time >.<


queen shouldve headbutted her stomach XD think of how she saw pudding all happy, every1 happy, she doesnt reality, i like her a little more that thought of her kids but the fact that shes made most of them miserable and doesnt think of that at all throws shit on most of the good feelings i had from that moment, if her time as olin-san helps her b better ill feel much better ofc :)


I feel bad for chopper.


Yo "mods" and "friends" why spoil her on shit that literally happens next ep? Sure, if she misses something let her know or give her insight into a hazy topic, but spoiling a scene she'll see next week is beyond stupid. It happens a lot too and I don't get it.