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Hey Guys!
Just wanted you all to know that for some reason Patreon is having a problem with embedding vimeo's links for the past two days. In the meantime here is the streamable link. Once they fix what they have going on then I will repost.



Thanks Allona. This was one of my fav parts in the manga, just seeing how much love Kid has for his crew. Was beautiful to read/watch.


Thanks Allona! I'll make sure to check it out after the One Piece Reverie Stream ends.


Poor Killer man. Even in the manga, I was so stunned 😔


@Donte Didn't mention her joining, said I'll watch the vid after the stream :) Not gonna spoil her on the future.


Yeah, the tears in the anime hit different. And Kidds despair at what they did to his crew.


Imagine that happening to Zoro.. Luffy would be distraught just like Kidd


Idk why but Sanji blocking those bullets with his armament coated knee was the coolest thing in this ep for me lol


You’re not alone🔥. But I want to check the manga again, cuz obviously Sanji has Armament Haki but I don’t think we’ve seen him with a full black foot before. But yes, that was super cool

TF4D 150

I felt so bad for Kid. Imagine if that was Luffy in kid’s position watching Zoro crying and laughing. Many people would be put into tears

TF4D 150

I can’t wait for Oda to give us a kid and killer back story. I am ready to pour out tears.

Jyn Jilly

That's the first time I heard you say your name in the beginning. I realized I was calling you "Ah-LOH-Nah" for the last two years lol


There was supposed to be so much more to this episode than that ending. Why doesn't the anime just line up with the manga


Because the manga releases 3 chapters per month while the anime releases 4 episodes a month. They can only cover 75% of a chapter per episode or they will catch up to the manga.


I really felt bad for kidd that's his right hand man and to see him like that actually was scary

Marah Kitten

I was shocked and sad for Killer and couldn't help but think what if it was a straw hat? My heart would be in pieces. Killer ate the fruit but doesn't have a power.


great reaction, so sad what theyve done with the smile fruits, i bet chopper will get a hold of a dud smile fruit for figuring out an antidote and law and him will cure every1 b4 leaving, also killer might've been promised an antidote and mayb even kidds freedom or at least permanent survival so long as he accomplished every order he was given. my hearts in throat about killer i cant imagine it happening to a staw hat T_T only question is whats gonna happen 1st, luffy getting a successful next lvl haki hit on `fuusen`or big moms surprise arrival.


funny how so many ppl dont catch that, I've heard her name in her videos (and assumed it to sound the way it is) 100s of times since i 1st started watching :P also if u watch her youtube and live streams the other streamers usually ask her how to say her name to make sure at some point (I've seen the recordings long after it went live, have only caught her live 3 mayb 4x each on time which also funny), so far at least 3 i can remember thought it was alone-ah too when she tells them so ur not alone :) lol


No matter the age of the lady, Sanji will always protect her :3


yup, hell also loves them but not b inlove with them till the right age and even if he was hed only b dreaming about their future selves, i think i remember a small scene of him talking about and dreaming of little namis running around, growing up and stuff :P