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Hey everyone! I just want to make sure before doing the live.





Yes I think that is a great idea! :)


You might want to put a transparent filter over the screen, just in case.


Should be fine! I've never heard of problems before, and it's available for free worldwide anyways - so they wouldn't come after you even if it somehow did fall under copyright. It'd be a waste of time and resources for them.


I always see people do read through livestreams. But I'm unsure if people leave the stream up to view after they are done with the live read.


You know what else is safe to react in youtube? Dragon Ball Z Abridged, just look at all the playlists of reactors without banned videos. :3


You might want to put a transparent filter over the video like in this guy's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_X1eN5Hfng. I've heard of channels being hit by Webtoons for doing reactions. Edit: Just to clarify, I know people have done reactions and been fine but I've also heard of channels being hit so I always choose to be on the safe side. Nothing may happen and you may be fine however you decide to do it.


Should be OK! Just don't be addicted like I did. Had to spend them fast coins for early chapters lol.


I haven't seen SIU take anyone down for reacting, I think they actually support spreading awareness. Just make sure to LIKE every single chapter!


Son Wukong does it I've seen people say that the creator doesn't take anything down like that


are you gonna react to God of highschool or nah?


Yes, there's no problem. I personally watch 3 people that are currently reading the webtoon live and there were never any problems.