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I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I have been hella busy risking my life on my roof trying to string up Christmas lights lol so  I havent had time to watch the latest episode of OP. It has been told to me that this last episode aired was highly slow paced so my mod Ssef reached out and asked me to ask you all what would be better to do in this case. 

What would be the best option to you all?




One Pace it aka Ssef it.

J Syc

Be careful on the roof!


it wasn't that bad and im a manga reader this arc is going to be slow paced to not catch up to the manga. Just take your time.


just watch, u might get spoiler


Actually I would merge 913 and 914-915 and cut off just the filler to make it as loyal to the manga, not only 913. The choice is Allona's and yours. :)


It was slow paced but the art was so epic. Still I'd wait for the next episode because it's gonna go well with this one especially since we are most likely getting a very huge event next week if it follows exactly like the manga.


Watch 913 now then 914-915 together :)


I Never was a person who complained about the pacing of one piece until today man this episode was so slow and imo poorly animated with slow moving or still shots just to extend the episode i would love for ssef to do the whole damn wano arc if he could because man this has been underwhelming to say the least


to the guys that are voting the fisrt option. remember that is badly paced, it wont go like in the manga, they want to end act one at the last episode of the year(915). which means that the remaining bits will be split in 2 episodes(if you are a manga reader i suggest you to look up the title of ep 915 and you will understand what i mean). i think the ideal scenario would be to wail until 915 and watch them all togheter, but that will mean 1 one piece upload for the month. so i think its best to just let her watch one episode per week


Wait for the next episode because they will go together perfectly. If I was to be honest, you NEED to watch 913-914-915 together as they cover the same event and they're gonna stretch it out that much adding a lot of animation but I feel like that could be pushing it.


go look up the titles for the episodes, 914 is still a bad point to stop, i'd say its even better doing 913 by itself and merge 914-915


Yeah I agree with the people who says to do 913 to 915. It goes together well in the sense you won’t be left hanging in the same event.


Yeah ideally do 913-915, they split up 2 important chapters into 3 episodes, meaning it's not even 1 chapter per episode.


Since you're hanging up decorations would you be kind enough to come hang mine up too cause I can't be bothered 😂😂 kidding lol no one mentioned your decorations thought I'd add a cheeky comment lol


To keep in mind, chapter 923 will be divided into two episodes (914-915)


can everyone stop complaining about the pace we get it. if we can make it through dressrossa where fine if you keep being negative it will effect the way she will see the episode.

Dante Moten

I didn’t think the episode was slow at all. They pretty much adapted the whole chapter. However, I do think you should watch 913 and 914 together :-)


If I am being honest even tho the votes beg to differ. One of the chapters is split into two upcoming episodes, 914 and 915. I feel like 913 should be okay on its own and 914 and 915 together. Also if I am being honest people are always going to complain about pacing, it has been a thing from Wano since the start, but people need to realize it is never going to be fixed. They need to let Oda get ahead in chapters. The majority of the episodes since the beginning of Wano has been the same length of chapter adaptation. WCI and Dressrosa had to go through the same thing. This wasn't as bad as Luffy vs. the sumo guy I can say that


yes i agree, Oda tho surely isnt helping with all the week breaks hes taking lately. i think they are doing an ok job given the circumstances


Anything other than editing episodes!


Right just watch it the same way we all do, this arc will drag regardless because it's too close to the manga. Not sure why ssef gets so much input


One (even less than) 20mn episode once a week, I think Allona will survive the slow pace or whatever filler you decide not worthy to be watched Ssef ;) (as we all do) (& I agree with some, warning Allona in advance could influence her viewing) The pacing is slow (or rather still^^) for this one but it's not like nothing is happening. It totally can be watched by itself. And really, the pacing ( & cliffs) will always be a problem, so you just have to decide if you prefer waiting a week for an episode or several weeks for a batch :) Have a great watch!! (this week or next week :-) )


Is Haikyuu in the works?


The idea was try to drop a suggestion out, a suggestion that I thought It might help Allona's experience, but this time we tried to make it right by including all of you too to the discussion and see the different point of views in here to consider them as well. The final vote is always hers like I said before. I really appreciate all of your input :) Thank you very much.


even tho i voted for #1, i love ur work Ssef, i just like watching everything OP 1st watch, and repetitive flashbacks r the only thing that annoy me, u did great work each time and great intuition for what to edit out and stuff, it might work great in this episode :D tho the pacing is said to have been promised to b minimized so im sure its fine for the most part, thnq very much for the poll allona ^^ <3


Sorry I know is a 1 piece post. Just wanted to know about Haikyuuu? Any one knows if she dropped it ?


I plan to have it up tomorrow. Today I've been busy setting out Christmas lights on my house. Im officially done so I'll be back to regular posts


Beastars please xp


Thank you again! We know you guys mean well with these suggestions, your edits are great! I just feel like the first time she should watch it the way it is. This episode really isn't as bad.


914 i 915 Will be based on one chapter therefore is better to do 913 first


I advice you to watch every episode when it airs, slow or fast paced . You did catch up but more you wait is more likely someone will give you spoilers unintentionally.


Have you decided on what your going to do?


I agree I don’t understand why ssef gets so much input... just let her watch the episodes and judge for herself.