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Hi guys  I feel as I owe you guys an explanation and an update for here on Patreon with using vimeo. I have been contacted by vimeo itself and they are asking for $7200-$9000 a year for using their platform. It is because I am using a third party site like this and seems as though I am consuming up to 20TB of their bandwidth. I have been in contact with them and I am really trying to see what I can do to still use this platform which is very convenient for most of you guys. I have been given until the end of this month to comply with their terms of service, if not my vimeo will be closed. 

That now leaves me to different options as to how to host the videos for you guys further. My mods, who have been so nice in trying to make sense of all this, have given me a few options. MEGA and Bitchute  were the ones given. I have another phone call with Vimeo so hopefully we can figure something out to where I don't lose it all together. I am going to keep my thoughts positive for now until the last decision.

So since I do have the end of this month I will keep using vimeo for the time being while exploring other options. Also I will not be including links anymore. I believe that it is the links and you all being redirected to Vimeo itself which is eating their bandwidth. I believe 3rd party embedding is free from their bandwidth consumption. As I talk to the rep later I will also reconfirm this to make sure I am understanding correctly. I really apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.  




Cant you make another vimeo id and upload? Will they come to know?


wow 7200...


MEGA is fine allona. do what's necessary


Mega is good from my experience with another patreonist I'm Subscribed too ... SUCK IT UP DONT BE A CRYBABY


That really sucks. Sorry to hear that. And it's not just you. Lots of people have been uploading reactions to vimeo lately. You're likely not the only one they've contacted. Mega is a good option. An annoying situation all around.


yes mega is good, and if really there isnt a way for you to continue with vimeo i hope people dont start complaining about it.


Bitchute is fine


Mega/Google are good. Sucks they're trying to screw you like this 🤬 And also very weird/sucks how embedded links are treated differently than the actual links? Uhhh ok. 😂 Good luck with all of that bs, I hope it gets better!


Speed run the rest of one piece before the end of the month


This post is very ironic. I was just about to try to get into contact with you somehow to inform you that another reactor I know that was using Vimeo to upload anime reactions got a message from Vimeo staff saying they were deleting his account. But this was due to "copyright infringement" which is ironic because he would actually cut down the anime into clips on not use the full length videos. He was left with no options except a little time to download his backlog of videos and now he uses MEGA. If you switch I can agree with using MEGA. Either way you might need to download your backlog of videos if you don't already have backups. If you and your mods need help with that I'm happy to lend a hand.

David Palacios

The amount they are asking for seems a little overkill for small party like yourself. I know it uses up a lot of bandwidth but you would think they'd be happy to get that as that means people are actually using their site. Honestly, I feel bad for you to be put in this situation. Mega is a good site from my experience. In the end, I hope it ends up well on your end.


I like mega too


9000$????? HAH...


Right especially since their highest package offered on the site is like 1200 for the year. I really think it's the bandwidth consumption


Mega/Google is really good. 8k$ what a joke lul


I am so sorry you had to deal with this nonsense yesterday, that is wayyy too much money, they are being ridiculous. Also I know it must have been stressful trying to get a reaction out and with many people asking where it was at. Just know if you are having any bad days or things just managed to hit you in the face out of nowhere, to just push the reaction to a later date and we will understand, sometimes life can get frustrating and when it does thats when you know you need to take a break for a day or 2. Thank you again for trying your best to give us your reactions, we really appreciate you!

Chinmay Hegde

mega has a limit of 1gb per 6 hrs for download(free users) ,wont be able to download the videos as it is usually more than 1gb per file.Please try google drive if possible.


What other people do is keep there reactions on vimeo for only one week and then after it's been up on vimeo for 1 week they take those older ones off vimeo and put them on mega I hope that helps because I love using vineo


Well, that’s some crummy news. I hope communication with Vimeo goes well, but whatever you decide to do, am positive that I’ll adapt. I’m here because I enjoy your reactions, not because they’re on Vimeo. Vimeo is just a means to an end. Do what you must.


you can use dailymotion, post private videos and pass link by patreon, it is another option that can serve you


Maybe you should ask SMF? She has pro vimeo (which still wouldn't be enough for you based on the stats vimeo gave you some how), although honestly I'm not sure if she's in the green with vimeo or if she's actually going through this right now too. She never mentioned it so I'd assume she's clean.


I know I downloaded files bigger than 1 gb from mega without an account no problem. There is a limit but it's more than one gig. Making a free account also seems to remove this limit.


great minds think alike, ive said some similar comments b4, happy to see another true supporter ^^


so much to do so lil time. thats like asking her to do it in a week, alot to watch in her limited time on patreon shes got her own life and it may get in the way sometimes she pushes out reactions as often and does the best she can already so u could say shes already been speed running it for us most of this time since she started. so she does more than enough imho ^^


The packages on their website say that the videos come with unlimited bandwith though???


It's all good that really sucks 7-9 grand is a lot and way to much to ask for I my personal opinion. I hope you can continue our reactions!