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YOU GUYS I THINK MY BRAIN IS GOING TO EXPLODE FROM EVERYTHING IN THESE EPISODES. So if I'm quiet or making weird faces that's why. lol



(No title)



WOOO! Some big brain info for the big brain crybaby, hype!


Finally, I was starting to show withdrawal symptoms xD


It wasn't by Akainu order to destroy Ohoro he was just there he was just an admiral at this point


yeah, WCI arc last alittle while, its sanjis arc basically, wano is just starting at the current episodes, so you got abit to go still, but WCI is action packed so no worries


I know it wasn't his order but he killed ALL the innocent ppl who didn't need/have to die. Evacuation ships he did order to blow up.


God im always so happy when i refresh this page and see a new vid.


Roger heard Voice of All things which was explained way back ,that's why he didn't need anyone to translate.


oh god i think shell pass out when she learns the whole kozuki clan situation, but sadly that moment probably is still months away


Marco was 43 before the time skip he's 45 know


And the next arc is about Sanji and his family can't wait to get to it and if course other surprises I can't wait


shogun you can call it the lord or ruler of all samurai and the country....simple explain.......


You remembered the link <3


Great video as always! I really appreciate your attention towards the episodes, It only shows your commitment and passion to the series. Let me tell you that you're just formulating the right questions, you're doing a phenomenal job at connecting the dots. Keep it up! :)


Ep 769 is judge an homage to Naruto :) Raizo= Jiraiya


You missed one big clue because you were looking away , which hasn't yet been explained in anime but has in manga but if you connect two plus two you will get one big secret.


Hehehe, I'm a manga reader so I know we manga readers know, she skipped a small detail kukukuhahahahehehehehe XD Of course please don't spoil, lets see if she remembers when the time comes ;3


Could you at least delete the last part of the comment, please?


On another note, I really hope we all One Piece lovers anime and manga ones alike, get to live long enough until Oda finishes this work. It's been 20 years since the anime began and 22 in the manga's case. People remember to stay healthy, exercise regularly and eat a balanced meal. Also go to your scheduled doctor's appointment, and if Dr. Chopper orders rest you better rest!


I caught that one too LOL but dont wanna hint anything cuz she might figure it out


These handful of episodes are some of the most important info dumps in all of One Piece.


Momo is high on something, how could he have met roger?


regarding the upcoming filler , i think 775/777-778 are worth watching cuz they add up and mesh well with the canon episodes, which is not the case with 780-782 i would like your guys' opinions. i think most of us if not all of us would prefer to move forward to the next arc as quickly as possible rather than wasting half a week(being optimistic here Kappa) with pointless and not even great filler


Well the kozuki clan left one of the road poneglyphs in the care of the minks so they gotta go pretty far back


Well I do want to get to Big Mom as fast as possible so I agree.


4:11 I thought it was me lol then I realized I haven't opened facebook in months lmao


Roger managed to read the Poneglyphs with his ability to hear the Voice of All Things, Rayleigh already explained that at Sabaody :D


Yes that! And also She might have referring to the ancient script Robin found on skypia. For which rayleigh said roger couldn't have possibly match the intellect of those ohara. He couldn't "write" those script.but heard the voice of all things.. So my interpretation was that roger sure deciphered the text via voice of all things but oden was the one who wrote that message in ancient script on golden bell.


Don't forget that Marco is a Phoenix. He may not look it, but he is pretty old. Also, don't worry Allona. It's perfectly fine if you had thought about killing somebody. We all been there before lol.




Allona feeding us with these OP uploads! Also the make up 😍


Looking fantastic Allona! Thank for the reaction! These episodes have been a freakin DUMP of information. Makes up for those scenes wasted fighting the bees and climbing the elephant LOL


I cannot wait to know everything too, its been more than 20 years now that One Piece started and even where we're at now there's still so many secret. I can wait though since one piece is the greatest show there is out there,


LMFAOOO MANGA READERS, THE FORESHADOWING is real. I didnt even notice this, THATS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY, I wonder how often these little bits of forshadowing becomes big PLOT.... ODA IS INSANE.....


I always thought it was spelled Rio poneglyph, but now they say Real Poneglyph? Both have same pronounciation in japanese. Anyone know the correct Romanization?


Rayleigh explained on Sabaody that they couldn't read it because they were some normal pirates but Roger had his ability to hear the Voice of all Things :) and good reaction thank you for your work! :)


I think it's just the difference of pronunciation between the Japanese language and English.

Marah Kitten

Oh my god, I didn't connect the dot about Oden who was the one who wrote in poneglyph for Roger in Skypiea :o I can't wait for you to reach the next episodes, I mean, to see them go after Sanji.


You missed what Momo said about meeting Roger, think about that.


Just like Allona I'm sure we all cant wait to see Raftel and the end of this journey. IN ANOTHER 20 YEARS!!!! LOL


Another thing to consider is how do you write on poneglyphs? Since they're made of some indestructible sheet, there has to be an extremely specific way of doing it that only the Kozuki can use else the WG would've already tried to do something. Anyways, we have to wait for a timeline from Oda before knowing for sure if Oden helped Roger write on Skypiea or Roger somehow did it himself. If it wasn't Oden, this is the only other option that pops in my mind: Roger managed to make the poneglyph write on itself. Since he can hear the voice of all things, it would be logical to think that the things can hear him, too. Oden version looks more realistic tho' xD

Marah Kitten

True, just let her be. Everyone didn't really think about it the first time but a kid who just joking around.


no, he needed oden-sama, oden didnt have robins ability to read all things, he was taught how to read and right the language of the poneglyphs by his father as his grandfather taught his father as he was meaning to teach momo which is what kinemon ment when he said that he was cut off b4 that, he died b4 he could pass on the traditional knowledge of how to read and right the ancient language, so technically roger didnt have any1 like robin or her mom olvia in his crew who could read everything. u need to rewatch and pause and think for moments like those, not just take them with a grain of salt -_-


Marco is 45 btw


an insanely awesome writer YEAHH!!!! ^^<3


Well last year oda-sensei said that we were 3/4 of the way on the story... so we got about 5 years left

Manthan Shah

"I *** ***** ***e" re-watching One Piece is truly a great experience 🤯


Marco is old. He's probably slightly below the Yonko level in terms of skill, but he's definitely nothing against Garp and Akainu.


Roger didn't need anyone to read the poneglyphs because he could hear the voice of everything. Rayleigh already said this


im thinking raftel is an ordinary looking island that isnt "found" because it looks too obvious or something. Cause remember when rayleigh said its an island at the end of the grand line, Just by using a log post im sure some people have gotten there or at least seen it but didnt recognize it as raftel, Im thinking gold roger and oden were the only ones who knew it was something special was there because they had the voice of all things and heard something on the island that led them to it once they got close, No one on the crew could read poneglyphs besides oden!


Quite, but it is thought he caught the gust of things, but needed help to write in poneglyph language.


One Piece today??? :D


I mean, it's a possibility. It's always been a theme for treasure hunter stories where they go to a place where there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary on the surface, but certain clues can lead into a discovery such as a hidden room, passage, or even a city.

Saleem Ali

Allona: "every time i see a whale it reminds me of Whitebeard Laboon: "am i joke to you?"


well he sank two of em