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AINT THIS SOME SH*T!!!?? You guys when I say I flooded my mods with all my furry yesterday about these episodes. lol So many questions I have! So many unanswered questions from before! WHY ODA!? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY BRAIN!!!? LOL 

https://vimeo.com/349650090/b803f6a99b  ---> @Florin aren't you proud of me? lol I remembered! lol


(No title)



I still think you were adorable asking all those questions 😂 anyway, I am very excited about this one so I'm gonna watch straight away ❤️


Oh man my link doesn't even come from Florin 😂 and hell yea these are some crazy episodes. Cant wait to watch em with ya!


its 3am here in new zealand, i couldnt sleep after i dicked my wife down, now shes fully asleep and ive been up ever since and all bored... till i saw this now i got something to do :D thanks Allona hehe


I like your explanation about bounties about the beginning, just a little thing, remember bounties not only represent strength, but also the level of threat it represents towards the world government (example: Robin as a kid). Ok, now I shall coontinue watching your reaction :3


Damn, what do I do now :'( I'm proud of you <3


I haven't watched it yet, but those are my 2 cents on bounties: Most bounties actually represent strength. While it's true that Robin had that bounty as a kid, she had it because she can read the poneglyphs, which is a threat to the WG. Only a few people, in my opinion, have dangerous info or skills like Robin, which would increase their bounties. I mean, look at Jack. Just a retarded mammoth. His bounty isn't for show, he has that 1 forking billion because he's insanely strong and I daresay much stronger than Luffy in G4 because of the time limit + no Haki. I don't see G4 Luffy taking down Jack in the minutes that it's up.


Hehe, this reminds me back in the Baroque Works arc, when Sanji spoke to Mr. 0 and identified himself as Mr. Prince


after all, you just say this? she's damn smart, realizing this is new world, so people with crazy bounty will eventually shows up a lot, and not suprised becaused she already knew it!


The thing with Jacks bounty is that at this point in the story, no one has no idea how high bounties get. No idea what a Yonko’s bounty would look like or anything. No one was really even sure if bounties would get to a billion. So when Jack showed up and they just dropped that billion on us so casually it was a bit of a shock, especially for it to come kind of out of nowhere and so soon. It just kind of let us know that the ceiling for bounties is higher than we might think and that Luffy and the crew still have sooo far to go to be considered top tier.


didn't even watch your reaction yet, your post itself already made me laugh rofl


There's one other factor that might affect a characters bounty and that is how ruthless they are. Jack might be godly strong... Or maybe he's just very strong but has a higher bounty because he kills people without a care etc. I believe Kids bounty was higher than Luffy's back during Sabaody and it was mentioned that he didn't hesitate to kill people so his bounty was higher. Something along those lines at least...


Yes, true, but the difference was small. His bounty was 15 mil higher than Luffy's, which isn't much.


"Who is Sanji?!" .... Ain't that a question lol


Ay, finally started watching and I have a small comment about what you said in the beginning. Sure, it's to be expected that Jack has such a high bounty, and what Luffy and the others achieved in such a short time is just incredible. But another thing that there is to consider is how hard it is to increase your bounty. Being on the sea for a long time doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a higher bounty. You need to do something crazier than last time if you want to see a significant bounty increase and, to be honest, I don't want to know what Jack did to get this bounty xD


See that's another reason why I'm not surprised because it's been hinted I believe since marineford how scary Kaido was. Only someone who has done some pretty dark stuff would be feared as much as him and his crew. I mean we did see Kaido, and dude is a scary af. I sure don't want to know all of what they've done either. Lol


In other news, you might have overlooked a small detail... Kaido has a scar. Now who could have wounded the man who jumps of a sky island and just walks it off with a small headache?


This was a great video! I loved all the questions that started to come gradually in your mind, LOL, This whole Sanji stuff is definitely crazy and interesting, is gonna be cool to watch how everything will develop and how you're gonna react to it. Thank you again for the reaction video!

Marah Kitten

You seem very confuse with all this situation x) but I like it how you are into it. Love your reaction. Thank you =)

Jyn Jilly

Brook: Nami, may I see your panties? Nami: Ya see, what had happen was..

Jyn Jilly

Btw Wanda is a dog mink. So her licking Nami is not meant to be sexual Allona lol


Storm is coming ,you soon forget about all.


You have to see one punch man, it's short and very good anime


The unwritten rules of pirates. 1. You must NOT touch any of WhiteBeard's men 2. If it's one on one, Kaido will win. 3. Do not EVER reject an invitation to Big Mom's Tea party. We're still missing Shanks and BB.


I guess Shanks should be something along the lines of not touching his nakama, and Blackbeard's something like if you have a devil fruit ability you either join him or you will die.


19:17 you forgot to say "Yo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"


Also, do you remember Duval's backstory from Episode 389? There was some slight details there on why looking like a poor drawing of Sanji's old wanted poster gave him a really hard time that didn't make sense then.


Before they took down the big doggo and big cat they treated their wounds so i guess they just needed more people to get them down later


it hasnt been revealed that lola is big moms daughter


I had put 2 and 2 together all the way on Fishman Island. I had said it and ppl eventually confirmed in the comments.

Kyle Ashley

Yo whenever Zoro says "Yonko Kaido" I get so hype.


btw if you like you can refer to them as neko and inu for short ^^