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I know you guys are waiting on film gold. It is rendering now. Today has been a busy one for me. Sorry Life has been really taking me off track a bit. I promise everything will get back to normal soon.



No worries! You're still keepin your word 🤷👌


It is cool, fate made it so that life also kept me busy until the crybaby captain was free to post, just finished translated 97 000 words, only 3000 to go, just in time for GOLD XD


The hype is real for this one ! ! i've literally been waiting for this reaction since you started your OP reactions xD


If only daily life was perfect and everything went our way with zero complications. Alas, life often finds ways to keep us busy.


Btw Allona, do you know about the cover stories in One Piece? If we go chronologically the one that corresponds to the episodes you are currently at would be "The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet" which is the 23rd cover story. Some where animated, some didn't... this one wasn't and won't be, if you take into account where the anime is currently at, so, you could read it, but with some help in order to not be spoiled by the chapter titles.


I know about them but haven't read any on my own. I do remember seeing comments of them on older videos.


I’m curious on why you think Z > Gold? But hope you continue the episodes soon....Would love to see your reaction to the newest ones...especially this newest arc! 😬


I like Z because of the emotion and feelings behind Z. I just think the overall story behind Z overall touched me more so than Tesoros story.

Jyn Jilly

Around what time do you think it'll be up?


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