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#TEAMZORO I LOVE HIM!! Also it was bout damn time Luffy went on ahead and knocked Bellamy out. I think that was the longest "non fight" fight ever. lol 



(No title)



Yes! Zoro vs Pica, finally


Bellamy was being so stubborn, I can't even--


the greatness of this arc is about to explode


"best non fight fight ever" couldnt agree more LOL


I always appreciate the link btw <3 Thanks! And great reaction as always :D


"non fight" fight ever. lol


Finally ! This arc is so long, it's like 4 times slower in anime than in manga, I wish One Piece was made by another studio who make 12 to 24 episodes per year but with 1 episode = 2 chapters at least


Lmfao, “Zoro is just that nigga” . Yes, yes he is 😂


yah, luffy vs bellamy so annoying, and ImAgiNE that you watch it 1 ep / week. haha it's really near to real excitement


Pleeeease do a 5 episode reaction next even if it means you need an extra day lol


when luffy has dark eyes, and he says the enemies full name, AND abunch of veins popping out, you know someones about to die


what a great one thoroughly enjoyed it.

abdulrahman fahad

omg i really enjoy your reaction so much


RIP Law :(


Ok allona trust me on this. on the next one piece reaction video go to ep 721 all to ep 725 and STOP, Or 721-723, then 724-725. Up to you how you want to do it BUT YOU MUST end at 725. Trust me. 726 episode is an important one

Tevin Logan

All that Rage inside Luffy is coming right at you doflamingo


law :c


The blood on Luffy's hand was from Bellamy. His whole face was covered in blood.


We warned you the pacing was Bad. Now imagine us manga readers getting 3 or sometimes 2 chapters per month. It took us 3 LOOOOOONG ASS years to get trough this thing. Many people drop OP because of this arc. Everyone hated Bellamy by the end of this.


38:23 that's exactly why lots of poeple hate toei animation, wish one piece was given to a better studio.


Bellamy no longer admires Doflamingo. He understood that he followed the wrong man. But he cannot simply betray what he has been following for so long because he's a man. And Luffy understands that as well. Which is even more hurtful for Luffy to come to the decision to take Bellamy down. And the state that Doffy drove Bellamy to angered Luffy even more, which even further fueled Luffy's urge to fight Doffy. The fight against Doffy is not Luffy's fight. It's Law's and Dressrosa's. Luffy has little to none prior interaction with Doffy and up until this point, he was just fighting to help others, either to carry out Law's plan or to help Rebecca achieves her goal. However, Luffy does not know of Law's history, nor has he experienced Dressrosa's 10 years of tragedy. But the entire situation with Bellamy made everything personal for Luffy. Because Luffy has come to consider Bellamy a friend. Bellamy has changed and Luffy can sympathise with him. But seeing the way that Doffy treats Bellamy is the first time that Doffy angers him. And this is when Luffy fights the best. Take Arlong Park for example. Luffy didn't want to hear about Nami's past, but is instantly fueled with rage as soon as she broke down crying. Listening to Law's and Tontata's story is one thing, but seeing his friend - Bellamy in so much pain because of Doflamingo is an entirely different experience. People complain a lot about Bellamy's storyline in Dressrosa and to a certain extent, I do agree. But I think it has more to do with the fact that there are so many fights going on at the same time, so many characters are given the spotlight and the anime topped it off with a bunch of flashbacks shown over and over again. Honestly speaking, how is Luffy different from Bellamy? Luffy is greatly influenced by his role model - Shanks just the same as Bellamy is greatly influenced by his role model - Doflamingo. It was even highlighted in their first interaction. Luffy was not born righteous and honourable. He thought it was stupid that Shanks did not stand up to Higuma. But it was exactly because of Shanks that Luffy changed his way of thinking. So much so that he was fine taking a beating from Bellamy. Imagine if it was not Shanks but Doffy that docked at Fusha Village. Hate the man all you want but it is undeniable that Doflamingo is a charismatic man. Imagine this man having a bad influence on kids like Luffy. And that's how you get yourself a Bellamy. I will not say that Luffy will react the same way Bellamy did if he was put in the same situation because Luffy has shown to be selfish at times and he also knows when to run away from a fight. However, Luffy understands very well the position that Bellamy was in because just like how Bellamy has been trying to impress Doflamingo, Luffy has been running after Shanks, honing himself to become a great pirate to fulfil the promise he made to this huge role model figure. Just the thought of being denied by this figure would have broken him just as it did to Bellamy. EDIT: Sorry for the ranting. And I'm not directing this at you, Allona. I just really needed to spit my thoughts on something I've seen a lot of complaints about and not so much appreciation of a well-written character. Luffy is the best MC I've ever come across and one of the reasons why he's so great is that within the OP world, there seems to exist some other characters that could have been Luffy had he taken the wrong path. Oda is a great storyteller and he has a motive for almost every character's decision. I love that you keep questioning Bellamy's action and not just all complain like some people lol. Keep it up girl!


Dude I really hope she reads this because this is fantastic. Great breakdown. I read the arc live, then rewatched it in the anime myself and now am watching 3-4 reactors get through it and you STILL made connections for me I hadn't thought of and I was sitting here nodding my head going "yes this is so true I never thought of that" +1 from me bro


michael jackson dance hahahahha 41:29


i don't know if you would be interested , but to fix the pace with the anime, there is a website called onepace.net that adjusts the anime to the pace of the manga. It cuts out most to all of the filler making it faster and they do a really good job. Just food for thought.

Sam JoyBoy

it wont be the same experience if she did watch it on onepace, personally I'm not for it at all.


Uh...no. It might feel like that...but Dressrosa was 102 chapters in the manga and only 118 episodes in the anime even with all the filler. It really isn't that much slower. The action scenes just take far less time when animated than the amount of space of they take up in print. That's why non-action sequences get extended so much because otherwise they would catch up to the manga in no time. It's like that for every anime that is an ongoing series with an unfinished manga.


I agree with Sam. Not all filler is inherently bad, especially One Piece filler. Now granted, in this episode, Pica walking while they rehash the same exact foot stomp sequence over and over again...was bad filler. But 95% of the filler in One Piece is not like that and serves some purpose whether it's adding to the story, the emotion, or the tension/drama.

Jyn Jilly

I agree with Sam and Resticon, not all the filler is bad. Plus let Allona watch the official series and judge for herself what she thinks is too long or not.


I get what everyone is saying. Just making a suggestion.


Just watched your reaction ! I love how much you love and root for Zoro ! He's bae <3


Thanks for the suggestion but the main reason I didn't watch onepace before was because I want to experience the whole series as everyone else did. I feel like I'm cheating a little bit since you all had to wait weekly for episodes..lol.. and here I am watching in bulk.lol I just wouldn't feel as if I could call myself a real one piece fan if I cut corners.


"If i see this foot steping down on this town one more time, I'll be mad" hahaha felt the same!!!!! that was so annoying Edit: Also the way you said Zoro-senpai had me in tears XD

Ian Kirk

Need more please your about to strike gold.


again another great comment by very wise person, and as matt said, ive watched 1 other reactor b4 allona (shes the only reactor with so much empathy and energy with the anime and everything else she does) and many youtubers discuss many subjects and the characters and everything indepth but both u wise ppl have still opened my eyes much more when i already appreciated and understood the time and effort that was put into everything one piece and the anime and yet still my mind is blown by ur comments :D ^^<3


wow so awesome of you and probably many of us feel the same, cuz i do so mayb that is 1 of the many way to describe a true one piece fan :D for me i consider every second of one piece, filler, specials, movie and everything canon cuz it makes one piece and the characters that much more awesome imo ^^<3 (except the weird cringey 5 minute sports specials)


its also hilarious and eye opening that if laws plan went well and they only destroyed factory but still escaped with cesar mingo wouldve just used mansherry to repair the factory with her power, also its likely kaido would destroy the island too not just mingo whether he was on it or not too, so ofc were happy luffy was luffy and screwed things up along with mingo having his leverage and happened they way it has :D :P ^^