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Oh my god it’s like christmas


From that thumbnail, I know I'll be crying with you Eventhough I know what's going to happen 😭😭


Oh noo she didnt... am I in heaven?


Get outta here, how you all a sudden handin these reactions out like 🍬. I aint complaining 😍


Oh God, I can't watch this again 😭


Se rompió tu Corazón? D: (Spanish)

Tevin Logan

Warned you it was going to be sad 😭


think you may have missed it and isnt brought up later at any point, but the little boy the navy saved, was X-drake one of the super novas, could tell by his trademark scar on his face the "x"




First SMF with the HxH final 3 eps, now Allona with the greatness. Is it Christmas? Also, can you put a vimeo link? For me it's a much better experience to download and watch


You can tell who the kid is by the x mark on his chin, we've already met him as a grown up. Hopefully that helps you figure out who it is. Also when Doffy, Cora and his father are all being strung up they are supposed to look like puppets with the rope holding them up.


I was really close to say who the Drie-kid was lol but I don't think they will show him again cuz that was the end of the flashback

Jyn Jilly

Oh it's these episodes again... Welp, here we go again... *Grabs popcorn and a whole box of tissues*


you can extract link by searchin' it in the source page


wew again, yasss! for those who wanna download too : https://vimeo.com/338410928/b7efb43679


Also wait a dang minute, as someone trying to learn (and doing terribly at it lmao) are you fluent in japanese? Or just familiar with some things cuz you're impressing me left and right 😂


It always breaks my heart seeing Law crying with no noise and then finally hearing his cry knowing it means Cora-San has finally died 😫😭


The pirate who originally had the devil fruit was called Diez Barrels, and the kid who was outside of the birdcage seemed to be related to him, you may have encountered a person with that distinct mark and that name before. If he hadn't been found by the navy, Doflamingo may not have undone the bird cage even after killing Corazon, so it was a lucky coincidence.


Corazon is a name only given to those who are promoted to the Heart Sit :)


And regarding the 2 DF thing, BB was stated to have a special/unique body. It would've been quickly debunked if it wasn't the case since this can be tested even as an experiment with any 2 DF


the people can be said that they're wrong for targetting children, but at the same time, they've been controlled and subjected to being lower in the society for not being a noble or a celestial dragon by birth (remember koala as a kid?). while racism has its own place amongst many species, this is the form of racism that has been similar to what we witness in real life. casteism is another parallel for discrimination by birth if u want to discount appearances.


Oh those onion cutting ninjas in my room...


The Diez guy grows up to be a pirate! His full name is Diez Drake! Got the same chin scar and everything


That was amazing! Corazon really was a great guy. Thanks again for the reaction!


Omg I couldn't stop crying Corazon was such a great guy he was willing to abonded everything for Law not again this what one piece does to me that's why Oda is so great


And Blackbeard was able to take Whitebeard devil fruit because he's body isn't normal thanks to the devil fruit he has but yeah any other person will die from eating two devil fruits


I didn’t think this reaction would be out so soon, but what a pleasant surprise! I had a couple of favorite parts this time around: 1) your face when you said “Luffy is such a smart little ....” is so funny once your realized you were recording, 2) the empathy you felt for Law when Cora met his end, and 3) when watching these episodes I find out that X was not a letter but a Roman numeral. Thanks so much! Your reactions are so much fun to follow.


The kid you saw with the chin scar called Drie in your subs is actually X-Drake one of the worst generation. They have the same scar in their chin


Damn onion ninjas 😭😭😭


Well Oda is consistently the greatest at making you cry. Hmm what will he make you cry with next, I wonder :3


Well I'm not crying ... I'm not !


Time to cry myself to sleep.


I don’t get the hate for Doflamingo...like yeah it’s easy for us to say that Doflamingo took the wrong path and his brother took the right one...but honestly it’s completely understandable why Doflamingo is how he is and did what he did. Going through what he went through it would honestly be hard not to end up how he did. Then his brother betrayed him. Not sure why you said Doflamingo betrayed him first because he really didn’t, but anyways, in the pirate world, how do you not expect to be killed for something like that? I completely understand why Doflamingo killed him. There’s no way I can hate him for his actions. They may not have been what we think is right but they were completely understandable. They both shared the same experiences but just dealt with things an entirely different way and had completely different influences as they grew up. I really don’t fault Doflamingo nor do I really fault Rosinante, it’s just the world they live in. It should go without saying how much Doflamingo cares for the people he calls family, to have his own brother betray him was probably one of the greatest pains he could feel after everything else he’d already been through, no matter how coldly he carried out the execution of his brother. I actually have a lot of respect for Doflamingo and I do understand him, even though he went down the “wrong” path.

Sid Z

I cry every time ):


I see your point. I guess this does show how different ppl process situations internally. Even still though to take a life out of hatred has no justification. His father didn't intentionally want to cause his family hurt and pain. I kind of got the impression that he wanted his family to feel true and pure joy. A joy without oppressing and demeaning others. He was just ignorant of the true reality. When I say he betrayed his brother I'm saying it in the extent of he robbed his brother of his father. The last loving parent he had. Doflamingo knew his dad was stupid but he also knew that he loved them. I can understand Mingos frustration and anger since he was thrown into these painful situations but I don't respect him for it at all. He didn't have to kill his brother. And to be fair he wanted his brother in the end to die for him anyways. (Or did I misunderstand?) What sense does that make? He didn't want Law to eat the fruit but have his own biological brother sacrifice his life for him? All of his executives he could've chose and yet he chooses Rossiante? Again anyone can understand how mentally broken he is, but by no means would I respect him for it. I don't feel as if Rossiante wanted to kill his brother but save the world from him.


Cora is awesome for this. Simple character making and the story gets you even though you only knew him for what, 6 ep. Just oda


I havent cried once in all the episodes of one piece Ive watched but this one did it for me.


i not cry are u.


Shed a tear ngl. Senors is a close second but nope.


Lol Oda, the master of sad backstories...


Black beard is just different, if the whole "you can't eat 2 devil fruits" thing wasn't true it'd be the easiest thing to debunk


Doflamingo has somewhat of a heart, I mean he honored cora's wishes and left Law alone for the most part until Law started messing with him


So how is soccer? 🙈


Oh wow. Keep us posted. We want to see some silverware ;)


I hope there's gonna be some reaction today!


You guys win that tournament tho 👀💪 and dont rush yaself 😂

Saleem Ali

that boy they took in was X-drake, one of the worst generation


saddest most tragic and heartwrenching back story in all of one piece T_T


Doflamingo is imo perfect. He is so evil, smart, vile, DF master, sad, wicked and joyful. You name it, he got it. Imo he is one of the best villains (make no mistake, as he is a villain) ever made.