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sense your on episode 25 finally just a reminder when it comes to conquerors haki only people who has high spirits and will power can use that power and famous pirates who is known through out the You know one piece world

Barre Bonds

When I saw that scene with Aokiji for the first time I literally screamed "Holy Shit!", and my brother was wondering what the hell was wrong with me 😂


😂😂😂 It was so hard for me not to scream. I didn't want to blow everyone's ear drums! Lol


covering your sons eyes was so cute lol

Red Division

i loved the reaction with momo at the end


This isn't a spoiler but to answer your question about Kinemon's "beef" with Zoro's sword I'll just say remember the circumstances of how he got the sword from Thriller Bark. That should answer your question.


Also after this episode all of us Smoker fans had to sit quietly somewhere lol. In the span of a short arc he took Ls from Law, Luffy, Caesar, Vergo, and Doffy. After this I'm just hoping Smoker does some Hyperbolic Time Chamber level of training because he needs it lmao.


yay, welcome to dressrosa arc!!


Yeah that scene where Kinemon was attacking Zoro was a reference to Zoro's sword he got from the zombie Ryuma (Brook's shadow) during Thriller Bark. It's a national treasure from Wano that was stolen by Moria so Kinemon thought Zoro was the thief.


Lol Smoker took three Ls. Get ready for Doffys arc


You should skip the filler they were not that great to be honest. preferred the ones before punk hazard to these.


The person in the end was part of the filler. I recommend skipping it, from now and on all fillers are boring. If you’re gonna skip the filler, you should watch the last couple of minutes of the last episode of the filler since it is important and not part of the filler.


So, just an FYI since it's never explicitly explained, but Aokiji is now just Kuzan. The name Aokiji (blue pheasant) was his Admiral code name, but his real name has always been Kuzan. It's similar with the other Admirals where Akainu's (red dog) real name is Sakazuki and Kizaru (yellow monkey) is really Borsalino. The code names seem to only apply to the Admiral rank too, since Akainu is only referred to as Sakazuki now that he's Fleet Admiral, and also in the flashbacks when they were Vice Admirals their real names were all used.


Ah là là...


I swear, Jakob is just the cutest!!


Also, I just loved Aokiji's entrance!! I am excited for what's to come, too. You will be entering my favorite One Piece arc now :D although the anime made the pacing well... very slow, it's not that bad when you binge watch it so I think you will enjoy it a lot!


"I'm not interested in fighting you" more like I don't want you to beat the shit out of me :D


This next filler really isn’t good just a heads up


Awesome reaction Allona!! And your reaction to seeing Aokiji was priceless! 😂😂👏👏👏👏👏

Marah Kitten

Suuuuuuper ! Great reaction ! :D


I highly recommend using the site OnePace.net for the next arc. It cut's out all the episode stretching filler and makes it as close to the manga as possible. ( by filler I'm talking about minutes worth of characters staring at each other and minutes of flash backs from the episode before )


I can only recommend doing this now more than ever only for this one arc. If the pacing gets ridiculously slow this is the best option. It's kind of like Dragon Ball Z compared to Dragon Ball Z Kai. One Pace takes an arc that is 118 episodes and condenses it into 48 episodes because they cut out so much still shots , filler, and unneeded flashbacks.


it really is that slow.


In the end we all men are alike, according to Sanji XD

Jyn Jilly

lol Luckily you covered his eyes so now he won't see Momo as a role model. haha


I died of laughter when you covered Jacob’s eyes lmaooo


626 - 629 is filler episodes

Jyn Jilly

It's probably a small thing but can I say I really LOVE your titles of the videos. They hint at what happens in a fun way while still grabbing viewers attention. I really don't like other youtubers just writing verbatim the big event that happens in the episodes they watch. When I was watching One Piece I got spoiled so much from people's video titles like that.


Zoro has a sword from the land of wano the one he got from zombie samurai that had brook’s shadow. That’s why Kin confused him with that samurai and wanted to fight him.


He didn't confuse Zoro with that Samurai, he thinks Zoro stole his sword. I think he said it while he was trying to fight Zoro that the sword is a national treasure in Wano. Hopefully he said that during that exchange, because if not then this is a spoiler.


THANK YOU. I am not gonna lie I did do it once but it was brought to my attention so I do try to do my best to find a balance to where the title is relevant but catchy. It really feels good that you noticed :-D