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Right now I'm really annoyed at Hody as a character. How do you all feel about him? 


(No title)



Hody has got to be the most annoying antoganist in the OP arc. This dude literally ate drugs to make him stronger which tells me he's pretty weak of an antoganist imo. 😌


There are villains that are so nicely done that make you really hate them but respect their strength/strategy, such as crocodile or blackbeard, then there are villains like spandam whos just plain annoying, soley written to make people despise him. I d say Hody is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, leaning a lot closer towards spandam than bb/croc


5 episodes? I love hody now XD


I am so OVER him and the abundant supply of those pills. Every time I saw one I instantly got annoyed..lol


About Hody? I hate him -.- He always mocks to be a superior race, to be stronger than humans and that they are weak, but in order to defeat a miserable human, he must take drugs xD His irrational hatred has no feet or head


This is TRUTH! He is terrible and him continuously popping pills irritated my soul. Especially when he still claimed to be superior..


yeah no Gordy definitely ruin fishmen island for me


Crazed druggy doesn't sound that appealing or much of a threat compared to past antagonists.

Ken Ch

Now i can't wait for the next reaction. Lol


Hody is a pill popper.

Jyn Jilly

He's my least favorite One Piece villain personally. All your annoyance is valid imo, Hody a clown.




im dead im dead "you pull my hair we are FIGHTING!!" - Allona 2019


Hody is trash!


I'm not sure if someone told you but Armament Hardening (black) is the advanced version of normal Armament Haki (invisible). Oda decided to introduce it only after the timeskip since Haki was explained only at the end and there is at least one example (one I remember for sure) of people using the invisible version after timeskip.


Hody is one of the most hated villains along with Spandam and Moria and I think you just found out why 😂


Pretty sure they did write the mission and history down. The only problem is the only person living at the moment that can read it is Robin


Lmao I don’t hate anyone more than Spandam and Moria. I love Doflamingo, Blackbeard, Eneru, and Crocodile, in that order lmao. I actually liked Hody’s design and I felt like he was necessary to make this fishman island arc what it was


I thought that the poneglyph was more so of an apology letter. Well I guess in the midst of it, it could give those details too.


Haha🤣 at in that order. You're right about here does make this arc what it was but he still annoyed the crap out of me. Lol


hahah you nearly lost your mind when the last episode ended. Hody is just annoying but the fact that luffy could hit him, hold onto him and send him flying is a Testament while in the water to how strong he is! also every hit luffy landed sent Hody flying :D :D :D ANyway now i must play the wait game and wait for the next episode!

Joni Newgate

Hody seems so obsessed with his way of thinking lol,that guy is on a different level with other charachters (talking about his way of thinking),but after all we can't make him the bad guy since the beggining coz that's the way he grew up,this was his motive and thoughts about life so we can't make him the one with fault in here,but arlong and the others who taught him thi way.


I can understand Arlong hate for humans, but Hodey is just a psychopath.


Yeah. Hody truly is a bastard. It seems Luffy can beat him easily under normal circumstances but he is "hiding behind" the steroid pills and sea water (one of Luffy's major weaknesses).

Marah Kitten

I'm not really ok with the chara-design of the females characters, sometimes, waist too thin and too big boobs, I'm a bit unconfortable about that. I'm annoyed too by Hody, he's so focused about destroy the humans, telling humans are weaker than fishmen but he take drug pills, where's the logic ?


I will admit, the manga makes luffy look so much cooler. Anime shows luffy struggling with Hody. Manga shows luffy one-shotting hody no matter how many pills he takes. Trust me, Hody is fodder tier. I bet you anything pre-timeskip Luffy would have won still.


I think Atlas will show up and carrie the ship on his shoulders. ahhhh Hody is such a loser. He talks about how humans can't beat a fishman in water. Well who got their ass beaten by Zoro in water huh!? you stupid ass scumbag. God... he is the freaking most annoying character in the whole series. PS. Luffy has "I will be the pirate king" Shirahoshi has "You're just not my type"


I dislike Hody as well, he's such a zealot.. I've met real life Hodys and they're no picnic.


like saying a kid is trash or w/e for not being able to dodge a bullet -_-