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Oh these episodes... I am work now but will watch your reaction in thw morning when I get home xx


The emotions in 505 are something special


Yesssss you made my night!!!!


Your son is soooooo cute!!


You were so happy to get approval from Shanks to cry! Lol


These tears just hurt sooooo good :'(


Omg can't wait the next episodes!!


I've read and watched One piece a total of 4 times and this is my 5th with you AND i STILL end up bawling my eyes out!!! big 23 years old guy sitting here crying his eyes out trust me sis im with you this anime just breaks you but when its happy it will upleft you....then oda just well does oda things.....great reaction thank you for crying with me hahaha

christian garcia

I think this is the only anime where u see people crying on several episodes one after another. me included of course


Jimbei's message always touches my heart! It's beautiful!!


One Piece is just a GOAT TIER anime👌🏾 Really enjoy watching these episodes again & seeing your reaction, even though you cry a lot lool, but its understandable for these kind of eps


Great video as always! Please focus more now on watching the one piece anime because it only gets better.


When is the next ep?


it was a lil off with some words tho, like "defeat those feelings" after all dadan said dont b defeated, she meant by his feelings. not bottle them up. thats the same as nvr crying, bury them down and theyll eventually come back up worse than ever more painful than ever. i would know i did that for a long time and then i matured and learned and got wiser to some things in life like this, sometimes there r great subbed translations right on the mark sometimes their far off from the msg they and oda r trying to convey. :(<3