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Hey everybody!

So I made a new image in the "themed episode" series. Everybody's gone to the NC State Fair and they're having a great time :D

AND we just launched a mini-crowdfund for the first image in the series, "Beach Episode". You can now buy it as a poster for $15! Our goal is 100 orders, and the campaign will last until the end of the month-- these are gonna be pretty limited runs, so if you're interested in the beach print this may be your only chance until after Episode 5 is out!

I've also attached various sizes of both images so you can use em as wallpapers :D




wayne: look into my eyes.... u want to try and win a cuddly toy...... u desire it....

Georgie just doesn't.

Needed the serotonin boost from seeing this today. I love this so much 🥺

Alex Shuparskyy

Tabitha looks so at peace for once and its making me so happy :)