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Hey folks!

We've finished putting together a new game mode we're keen on trying out for Scarlet Hollow in the coming weeks, and it's now available for you to play on Steam through our alpha branch (and you can download it from Dropbox)

You'll be able to access this new game mode from the main menu, and it should be pretty self-explanatory when you start it out.

Please keep the nature of this game mode under wraps outside of your fellow testers, since we want this to be a surprise release for April Fools this year!

The password for this newest branch on steam is "unlimitedpower" (no quotes.)

And here's your link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oy5vrzxistl5oou/ScarletHollow-market.zip?dl=0

(For those who want to know what this new game mode is before downloading the build, it's a "hardcore mode" where you cannot use traits to get out of major decisions, but you're given a third trait to balance things out.)

If you want to discuss this build with folks, and want the best channel for reporting bugs, please make sure you join our Discord and fill out this Google Form so I'm able to add you to the right channels. When filling out the form, please be sure to include the digits that come after your Discord username so we know to add the right people to test channels. If you're just making a Discord account for the first time, please know that we have a bot on our server that auto-kicks members with accounts that are less than a few hours old to prevent spam, so if you have trouble joining, just wait it out, and if that persists for a day, please just shoot us over a message and we'll get you sorted!

Link to join the Discord: discord.gg/blacktabbygames

Google Form: https://forms.gle/wNjf1LXbb2Q4xHF59

Likewise, before we release the new StP alpha build this week, we want to make sure our testers credit screen is up to date, so if you haven't already and would like to be included, please fill out this other Google Form: https://forms.gle/YYMrwdJ211qMEePM9



The credits inclusion form says I've already responded, but I don't seem to actually be on the screen (although there's one that MIGHT be me, but is misspelled and leaves off last name) :-x


Updating the credits requires a full patch, so it's possible we just haven't updated the slides since you filled it out! If you want to resubmit just to make sure we don't miss it, please do!