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Hiya, folks!  You can download the test build of the new content patch by following this dropbox link, and using the password #girlboss EDIT: as of 6/14, the dropbox folder has been updated with a more recent build that fixes all of the reported bugs to date. If you've already downloaded the old alpha, you'll have to redownload to get these (minor) fixes and additions.

Episode 4 is well underway, though it's still going to be a little bit before the first test build is ready since we're still on the scripting phase. But you should expect something nice and juicy from us by late July or early August! We'll also have an early demo build of our (still yet to be announced) second game for y'all later this summer, though, so keep your eyes peeled.  

Also: we just created a new, lower priced alpha tester tier, so please feel free to lower your pledge and switch over!

We've just wrapped up work on the content patch going out later this month, and we wanted to make sure all of our alpha testers (you!) got to try it out before everyone else. There aren't any new achievements with this patch, so you don't have to worry about having to go back to unlock anything on Steam once it drops for the public.

Here's what we've added to the first three episodes:

More flirting. The romance in Scarlet Hollow remains at a slow burn, but we figured it could burn a little faster. Players with the Hot trait have even more flirt options in the first three Episodes, and everyone now gets a little something to move things along with their hottie of choice.

More trait-specific dialogue options and passive narration. Every trait's gotten a little something extra, with an emphasis on providing more unique social benefits to Powerful Build (which remains the least picked trait in the game) and providing additional context to Mystical so their strange and cryptic dialogue choices felt less out-of-left-field. One of our original design ideas was to use the existence of special dialogue options as a means to convey extra information to our players, but from watching streams and recordings of Scarlet Hollow, it was clear that wasn't how players interacted with it.

We've overhauled and replaced a few pieces of art from earlier episodes that we felt were either lacking, or that needed changes to better reflect established canon. This includes a few backgrounds, as well as several of Kaneeka's earlier sprites — she now has a proper set of sprites when you first meet her in Episode 1, and we've changed the head of her library sprites in Episode 2 to be more on-model.

A long list of other small changes we've made over the course of the past few months, which we've since lost track of.  Thank you so much for this support! We couldn't make this game without you!


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