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Wow this one took us a while! Our lives have suddenly become very busy, but we'll do our best to keep these coming a bit more steadily despite all that's going on in our lives. I have a big deadline coming up around the same time that I'll be moving across the country to Boston, and Maddie has become a part-time cheesemonger, so her schedule is filling up fast (with cheese, which I hope she shares with me.)

Hopefully we'll be able to get one of these in before my move, but the one after that will be recorded in one room instead of in two rooms across the country from each other. What kind of wacky antics will we get up to when we are in one room?? Probably none

If you have any suggestions for shows or movies that time forgot, send em along to sistertimepodcast@gmail.com!


Episode 23-- Once Upon A Forest by Sistertime Podcast

The sisters are finally reunited after weeks apart, and discuss the 1993 Hanna Barbara animated film "Once Upon A Forest", yet another film which tells children they should feel bad about how humanity is killing the Earth and animals hate us. Which is true and they probably should feel bad.



aw gawd! This sat in our VCR collection right next to Fern Gully. ALL the guilty feelings! At least Fern Gully had fun bits in it, in my memory this movie was just all traumatising :/ I think the only fun thing that we took away from it was that to this day we still call construction cranes "dragons".