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Mythquest was SO GOOD.....

Also, sorry for the lack of communication lately! I am now running the Kickstarter I told you guys about a couple weeks ago, and it is going swimmingly-- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1203079854/the-last-halloween-book-1

But it also means I am so busy. I always forget that it's kind of nonstop work when you're running one! And on top of that I am currently in Toronto getting ready for TCAF (and seeing my boyfriend), and later next week I'll be headed to Vancouver for VanCAF. Hopefully some of you folks can come by and see me at one of these conventions (which are both free!), even if you don't buy anything.

Talk to you soon!


Episode 22-- Mythquest by Sistertime Podcast

In this episode, the sisters fawn over Mythquest, an amazing show from the year 2001 in which siblings must travel through different myths to find their father. It was an entertaining time, and hopefully this podcast will also be entertaining~



I was so excited to see that this episode was about Mythquest! I watched it as a very very small child and can remember episodes vividly, but no one besides my siblings seemed to know it existed. Listening to this brought back a ton of memories.