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My dearest Patreon friends, I thought I would give you all a chance to get in the queue for some free(ish) drawings I'll be doing on Christmas Eve! I mentioned this in the last post, but I want to make sure you folks know about it. Also whoops I meant to have this up on Monday... hopefully this still gives you enough notice...?

So an OC is an Original Character, meaning a character you created that doesn't exist elsewhere. It can be a fan character for some already existing thing, or maybe it's your fursona, or your roleplaying character, or maybe it's a character in a book you're writing-- I will draw it for you this Christmas. I love drawing OCs <3 (PS: this does not include characters made up on the spot specifically to give me something to draw, sorry about that! I gotta have some limits after all)

All you have to do is send along a short description, a picture, pictures of things that are similar, really anything for me to work from. I'll be working in black and white only, and drawing their whole body unless otherwise specified. All ya'll are guaranteed a spot if you want one, as long as it fits the requirements!

I can't wait to start drawing. Happy holidays, everybody! <3


E.k. Chan

Ooooh cool, I would love if you could draw one of the characters from my cyberpunk thingy! <a href="http://kaprosuchus.tumblr.com/tagged/grime+and+tide" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://kaprosuchus.tumblr.com/tagged/grime+and+tide</a> - you could pick either KC or Zhen since I think those are the only two I have posted enough of to be used as reference?


YESSSS!!! Ok, so my DnD character is HāMar Bëard'h'ammer (Hay-mar Burd-a-mer). He is a dwarf cleric and he rolled 'insatiable lust for carnal pleasure' as his flaw, which is hilarious and the reason I'd like him to be looking at some man butts. Ain't no butt drawing like an Abby Howard butt drawing.

Mike Craft

Please please do one for my girlfriend. She's a huge fan. Her character is a vampire, born a Hungarian princess in the 12th century, turned at the age of 16. She has straight dark hair and appears entirely lifelike despite the vampire thing. She struggles with a demonic twin (curly hair) that delights in acting as a foil for her plans. I'd love it if you could show the demon hiding behind her, maybe giving her bunny ears. Image reference: <a href="http://imgur.com/RtVY63I" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/RtVY63I</a>


My daughter Cathryn. She's a huge fan of yours and would be over the moon if she got a personalized drawing of you. Here's her alternate Facebook profile with a good picture: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pkmntrainercathryn/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/pkmntrainercathryn/</a> If you can manage to fit her in, it would be amazing.


I would love to have my D&amp;D character drawn. He is a really old human wizard named Wethersby Hornsbuckle Jr. He used to be a librarian but took up adventuring when he retired. He is tall and skinny with the standard respectable wizard beard and fancy mustache. He wears a fez, wizardy robes and a tiger skin cape. He never goes anywhere without his goat, Mr. Butters who also wears a fez. Happy holidays.


OH my goodness what an amazing offer! My character's Kura-Kusu, a shapeshifting demon whose two most common forms most closely resemble either a hyena or a rat (although they don't really get the forms quite right). They have the same mass in either form, but the hyena's more the size of an Irish Wolfhound and the rat form's closer to that of a German Shepherd. They favor a more or less hyena form but creats extra mouths or limbs as needed. In their hyena form they often open a massive maw between their throat and breastbone. They don't have any fur (too much bother) and are a dappled grey-brown (so I guess grey &amp; dark grey if in b/w lol). The hyena form's for hanging around or hunting phsyical prey and the more ratlike form is the one they use for scavenging and nomming down on rumors or despair; the rat form often has several extra mouths, each framed by a ring of fingerlike cilia. Here's a link to the pic that inspired the character: <a href="http://payload115.cargocollective.com/1/1/60195/4610301/0000719d_big.jpeg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://payload115.cargocollective.com/1/1/60195/4610301/0000719d_big.jpeg</a> and one to a Gambian Giant Pouched Rat: <a href="http://easyscienceforkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Gambian-Pouch-Rat-300x187.jpg;" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://easyscienceforkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Gambian-Pouch-Rat-300x187.jpg;</a> they're jowlier than brown rats &amp; more along the lines of KK's resting form. ETA: Forgot to add, thank you all over the place for doing this!


Awesome, I saw this last year and was sad I missed it! My OC is a witch who enchants stuff and works with magic gems and such. She only has one arm and created an enchanted glove prosthetic for herself. She makes things float a lot and makes herself float too. Here is a tumblr post with pics: <a href="http://tomaydoodles.tumblr.com/post/135832990244" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tomaydoodles.tumblr.com/post/135832990244</a>


You are just the best. :) If you have time (Christmas is crazy! People want your attention! I get that!) I'd love it if you could draw the MC of my possibly-forever-to-be-unpublished first novel. Her name is Sef, she has shoulder-length black hair, eyes that change color from blue to violet, and swirly tattoo-like markings (think whispy and serpentine) that start along her hairline/temple and down her arms onto her hands. She is, as most YA protagonists in first novels are, discovering that there is more to her past than she realized and that she can control what that means for her future. She also tends to rock black eyeliner and graphic tees while doing it.


That's awesome - thanks! My guy is kind of a Scandinavian forest spirit - most of his face is hidden under a helmet like this <a href="http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-viking-horned-helmet-v-ray-model/949828" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-viking-horned-helmet-v-ray-model/949828</a> , but with elk antlers instead of horns. More tall and wiry than big, and wrapped in a rough wooly/furry cloak. (If you run out of time to do everyone's, I totally understand.) Thank you!

Nathan Sampey

I'm pretty late to the party, but what the heck. My character is Zummy, a tiny (about two inches tall) little experimental creature let loose by aliens on a wild planet to see how he fares. I've doodled him in notebooks since high school. Drawing him is simple -- his head is a large vertical oval with a half-smaller oval in the middle of his face that serves as a nose. He has smallish eyes. At the top and center of his hairless head is a single little curly antenna that is basically just a wisp. His body is a featureless oval that is actually smaller than his head, and his arms and legs are basically so thin as to just be lines. His arms have a few fingers that are also just lines. He sometimes wears a little leaf as a shawl. I usually draw him either in peril from a bug or something or astounded like simple things like a puddle or a feather. He's my favorite character to doodle since he's so simple. Anyway, thanks so much, Abby, and if you don't have time don't worry about it. Happy holidays to you all!

Nathan Sampey

I'm pretty late to the party, but what the heck. My character is Zummy, a tiny (about two inches tall) little experimental creature let loose by aliens on a wild planet to see how he fares. I've doodled him in notebooks since high school. Drawing him is simple -- his head is a large vertical oval with a half-smaller oval in the middle of his face that serves as a nose. He has smallish eyes (dots, really). At the top and center of his hairless head is a single little curly antenna that is basically just a wisp. His body is a featureless oval that is actually smaller than his head, which it's directly attached to (no neck), and his arms and legs are basically so thin as to just be lines. His arms have a few fingers that are also just lines. He sometimes wears a little leaf as a shawl. I usually draw him either in peril from a bug or something or astounded like simple things like a puddle or a feather. He's a completely innocent character and he's my favorite to doodle since he's so simple. Anyway, thanks so much, Abby, and if you don't have time don't worry about it. Happy holidays to you all!


Oh whoops, sorry, I forgot to include yours in the Patreon post! But yours was finished and is now on Twitter, in case you were worried at all