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Whoopsie daisy, I uploaded this podcast while I was away and forgot to post it here for ya'll! This show was... kinda boring. But after watching enough of something, it's hard not to enjoy some parts of it, I think.

So I went on a trip-- I went to visit Toronto, then went down to North Carolina to be with my family, where we recorded the Ocean Girl podcast (with a special guest!!) Hopefully that should be headed your way later this week.

I also thought I'd address the lack of comics and stuff lately. Basically, nobody should be worried that anything is going to be stopping anytime soon! I've had a lot of labor-intensive comics to work on lately, such as the very dramatic TLH updates and the short horror comic (The Portrait of Sal Pullman) that will be wrapping up this week. I've been so busy working on those things that I kind of let JSPH fall by the wayside, just for a short period of time. But JSPH will be back in time for Christmas, hopefully with some really great updates! I'm looking forward to drawing some goofy faces and jokes again after all these dramatic, line-heavy projects.

And I'm gonna step up my mini comic game so I can have enough to put in a book come next summer~

Also, there's a long TLH coming up this week to make up for last week's lack of comic. I am so excited about The Last Halloween


Episode 14-- Shoebox Zoo by Sistertime Podcast

The sisters finally manage to get through the 2004 fantasy adventure show Shoebox Zoo, which follows Marney as she must find a book and return her small wooden animal friends to their human forms. Scottish and overly dramatic, it was difficult to watch, but did have its moments.


Christopher Vollick

I too am so excited about TLH. Everytime I load up JSPH and there isn't a new comic I'm like "Ok, sure. Next time", but every time there isn't a new episode of TLH I feel genuinely disappointed. Keep up the awesome work!