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I keep fluctuating between "totally fine and I can finish this thing" and "holy crud this is impossible but I am too embarrassed to ask for help so I will just sit here in a constant panic instead"




That's amazingly well put and absolutely true.

Lonnie Mann

I often don't even realize the thing is a thing other people could help with. :o

Arturo Gutierrez

I think that solving that habit depends on what's the reason why one rejects help. Is it because one's perfectionism can't cope with the idea of another person getting their hands into the project? Or is it because asking for help feels like a form of professional defeat?


Oh. OH. Ohhhh. Oh ow. It's like reading an aesop's fable book that is perfectly describing your hubris only to find the artist has literally depicted your own sad face in the accompanying illustration.

Sidonie Vidal

HAHA that's so true! :) I really like your work! I'll follow you and become a patron as soon as I get a job ;) Keep going! :D