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This is my half of a new zine that will be debuting in Bethesda at Small Press Expo next month, and will be available to buy on my TopatoCo store in not too long. The other half was created by the incredible Sarah Winifred Searle, and also discusses mental health and eating disorders. It's a really nice little zine and I hope y'all enjoy it when it comes out, even though it is all about Heavy Emotional Stuff!

I was very nervous about sharing this story, but the script has been in the wings for at least a year now, and I felt it could help other people who have suffered with similar issues. I hope, by showing folks that they aren't alone and sharing how I've tried to manage these feelings, I've helped in some way.

A huge thank you to everyone for being so supportive! I appreciate each and every one of you very much, thank you for being here.




Elinor Rooks

Good lord Abby. This is beautiful and powerful. Thank you so much. I recognise a lot of this, and it's so so insightful about the mechanics of self-harm and the things that can help hold us back from it (I've felt so resentful sometimes realising that I can't get away with cutting myself because my partner will see, and of course this is a huge gift and protection). The ending is so beautiful. I also want to thank you for writing from within this struggle. It's easy to feel that we don't get to tell our stories till they're "over"...until the problem is all resolved and we have a happy ending, and that's a lie that will silence almost all of us almost all of our lives, at least about the stories we most urgently need to tell. Thank you, thank you, thank you...for this, for everything, for being yourself, taking up all the space you need for your full gorgeous messy wonderful self. Thank you for keeping yourself alive.

Kayla Kindig

This made me cry. Thank you for sharing it, Abby. You're a beautiful and amazing person. I've considered you a role model ever since I first discovered your art. I developed an eating disorder about 10 years ago, and although the highest intensity was in the first year, it still regularly pops up because it never really went away. It takes so much effort to keep myself from returning to unhealthy habits. And I know my situation is very different, because I was never what society considered to be "overweight", so I didn't have to deal with the internalization of people shaming and judging me in the same way. But my mom did glorify thinness even though she wasn't "thin", because she used to be when she was younger, and I had it put into my mind from a young age that smaller numbers on the scale were better and if less calories was good than almost no calories was even better. I told my mom when I was about thirteen, before my disorder started, what I weighed and she said "wow...I didn't weigh that much until I was 20" and that made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I stopped having periods for over 8 months because I was literally starving, but my mom kept praising me for being thin and when I tried to tell my dad that I had lost twenty pounds in like 4 months he told me I was lying to be dramatic, even though I weighed myself at least once a day and sometimes more. I won't bore you with the entire story, but the point I wanted to make is that it doesn't matter what you weigh if you hate yourself. A lot of people strive to lose weight, telling themselves that if they were just 2 pounds or 5 pounds or 10 pounds lighter, then they'd be able to start loving themselves. But that's not how it works, as you've figured out. If you don't love yourself now, it doesn't matter how much weight you lose. Take it from someone who was once 5'5" and 88 pounds and still trying to lose weight, even if you had managed to become "skinny", it wouldn't have been enough. It's never enough. You'll just find another reason to hate yourself. I would have ended up killing myself if I hadn't asked for help and had someone intervene. As it is, I have permanently damaged my body from what I did. It's really hard to learn to love yourself. I'm very glad that you've made progress. You're an inspiration to me. The world is a genuinely better place because you're in it.


Thank you so much for sharing this. You have crafted the story so well and I identify with it so much. It's absolute bullshit how people view eating disorders based on how you look. I have been both drastically underweight and overweight thanks to eating disorders. and it's incredible how when I was underweight people gave me love and support, but when I was overweight they only gave me judgement. Both conditions were caused by eating disorders, but people were only judging my health on how


* I looked. Thank you for sharing this. It's very validating.


I've read Sarah's as well, and it's hard to put into words... thank you to both of you for writing these, for sharing this.

Emily Alice

Thank you so much for sharing this <3 You bring so many amazing things into this world. Your work makes me laugh, opens my eyes, and gives life to things I'm struggling to say. The planet is a better place because you are here :)

Jonathan McGaha

Iiiii criiiiiiiiiied a biiiiiittt... Very touching story, so very well told! Thanks for sharing it with us. Really emphasizes how important it is to be there for other people; you never know what kind of silent wars they're fighting with themselves or how close they are to losing & how much help they may need.

Hannah K

As so many have said before, thank you for trusting us with this. So much resonates with me, and personally I just started an IOP program for a generalized ED a month ago. Recovery is an ongoing process and I hope we all continue to have compassion to ourselves. ❤️❤️❤️

Rachel Walker

This is intense and brutal - you are awesome and I hope you can continue to move in a positive direction.


You are so cool for making this. It's the same story, for so many people...and goes beyond disordered eating to all the self-hatred caused by misplaced shame. You've written the Great American Comic and I can't wait until it's available to share with everyone!


<3 thank you Abby

Paul Bernhardt

Wow. I can only imagine how difficult it was to put this together and actually open up like that. Everything you make is amazing but in completely different ways. You're the best, Abby.

Kevin McKayven

Thank you for this. I really needed this. I think it may have pulled me back from a small ledge I was dangerously close to going over. For now, at least. So thank you so much.