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The first big chunk of journal comics from my month of jetsetting! These cover two out of the five towns I visited. The rest of the journal comics will be posted next month!

Also here is Bomba during the scary movie night, crushing my friend with his protective love.




Thank you for sharing Bomba with us. Please tell his person he is a good, good boy.


It was awesome to meet you at Crypticon! Keep up the awesome work.

Orren Saltzman

So many new comics! Thanks, I lul'd

Emily Belzer

These are awesome! I didn't even know about Crypticon. Man, I want to go! Although, I probably would be fine as far as my arachnophobia, since I cured (?) it with... my, uh, dreams (?). But I can't imagine the depths (lol) of trypophobia horrors I would encounter. Maybe I'll get the chance to go someday and I'll just risk it. In one apartment I lived in, I had a large picture window in the living room that I usually left uncovered because I liked the illusion of space it gave. I was on the swing shift for a lot of the time I lived there, so I'd come home at about 1 or 2 in the morning, take my dog Shinta for a walk, and then watch a movie or something before I went to bed. I liked to watch horror movies, and we had a lot of bats in that area. So there we were, just Shinta and me on the couch in the dark watching psychological horror with the drapes open to total darkness outside. Inevitably, some bats would fly past outside, and I wouldn't know it but Shinta would, and he'd leap up out of perfect stillness to suddenly run to the window and bark like crazy. That dog scared the shit out of me, like, 3 times a week.