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Hey, everybody!

Sorry for being uncommunicative all month, it was a wild time for me with all the traveling and catching-up I had to do. But I'm gonna set dates for the next 3 Jackbox nights, to make sure we get em all in. I've made them all Fridays, but can easily shift it to Saturdays if need be.

For the next hangout, how's next Friday (the 6th)? Round about 9pm EST?

To make up for March, we'll fit another one in before the end of April-- the 27th would be good for me, if it works for you! 

Then I have ~3 conventions in a row~ and won't be back in town for basically an entire month, so let's say we'll aim for the 25th.

Sweet! Feels good to have em planned out like this. Let me know if you'll have any issues making it on these evenings-- I'm fairly flexible, outside of the whole traveling for a month thing.

Can't wait to play with you again!



Kai Larson

Holy fudge... I can actually DO that!! And no worries! I totally understand your busyness. I genuinely don't know how you're managing to do all that you do~! ^w^


I'll be deep in PAX next weekend, but I should be able to make the end of April!