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Hello Everyone,

I am happy to announce today that I have another large update for both the Guide to Monster Hunting and the Monster Hunter Monster Manual. This update adds another 6+ pages to the MHMM and another 20 pages to AGtMH.

 The biggest portion of this update is the four new factions that are available. This not only gives you 1-2 background options to use with each faction, but also fleshes out the world so much more. For those familiar with the monster hunter video games, most of these factions might be familiar. There is one new one that was born  originally as a joke in my discord, but it grew and grew into something real and compelling that was missing from the original world. That faction is known as the Helix Commission.

The Helix Commission:

In the world, there is an organization shrouded in secrecy known as the Helix Commission. The origins of this group are unknown, but some believe it was created by a faction of Wycademy researchers and royal scriveners who discovered an ancient incomplete Equal Dragon Weapon in the ruins of an ancient civilization research lab. It has been said that a few lead scientists and researchers within this faction became interested in following in the footsteps of the ancient civilization and began experimenting with creating hybrids of monsters. However, their requests to conduct this research were denied by the leaders of the ruling factions, who wished to keep this information secret.

Royal Paleontology Scriveners:

The Royal Paleontology Scriveners are a group of scholars and researchers dedicated to studying and observing the ecologies of various monster species creatures. Their work involves collecting and analyzing fossils, reconstructing the skeletal structures of monsters, and piecing together the evolutionary history of these creatures. 

The Talon Society:

The Talon Society is a secretive organization of poachers known to specialize in hunting rare and exotic creatures. They operate in the shadows, avoiding the authorities and conducting their illegal activities under the cover of darkness. They are motivated by profit and are willing to go to great lengths to secure valuable trophies, which can fetch high prices on the black market. 

The Wycademy:

Long ago, the village of Bherna was visited by the Royal Scribes of Paleontology. During the visit, it was discovered the limestone formations around the village contained quantities of fossils of monsters and plants extinct today. From the Royal Paleontology Scriveners investigation and report, the scribes dispatched a small group to set up camp. Over the years scholars focused on laboratory work, leaving field work to hunters, and giving rise to the Wycademy.

Additional Updates/Changes to AGtMH

General Updates
AGtMH chp 4, weapon and armor material named effects now state these are some examples instead of every named material effect (there are just too many to add at this point).
-Remove the Background section of the guide to remove duplicate information. All backgrounds are located in the Factions section. TOC has been updated to reflect this.

New Race
Malzeno Dragonborn

New Feats
Bastion (A defensive feat for those using a shield)
-Arcane Adaptation (A new spellcaster feat)

New Monsters added to Appendix C
Equal Hunter Weapon Gen 3
Three Talon Knight Stat Blocks

Weapon Fixes
- Gunlance - Blast Dash now states when it regains the charges
- Splint Rapier - Addle  now states when it regains the charges
- Magnet Spike - VR Force Evade now correctly states the attack is made at disadvantage if you don't leave the creatures attack range.

Item Changes
Ancient Potion now heals for a flat 45 hit points (roughly the maximum of a supreme potion).
- Dung Bomb - Range increased to 60 feet.
- Flash Bomb - Range increased to 60 feet, changed to a saving throw only and 5-foot area effect.
- Sonic Bomb-  Range increased to 60 feet. Changed to a saving throw only and 30-foot area effect.
- Removed Heavy tag from Wyvern Boomerang (This weapon was created as a monk weapon and heavy tag was missed in the smithy section)
- Removed Phials the Switch Axe was using (including crafting recipes).
Added Dual Repeater Ammo recipes.

New Bonuses for armor based on Rarity
One of the big issues my players brought up when playing in their campaigns, was that armor had a very limited reasons to upgrade. Sure you got 1 more slot in it to place a material, but weapons got soo much more. After a long conversation and endgame testing, here is the new rule (which was already available in AGtMH on GMbinder by accident):

When your armor's rarity increases to rare and above, choose one of the following properties it gains: +1 bonus to your AC, +1 to two skills of your choice, +1 to a chosen saving throw, or +1 to all saving throws you are not proficient with. You can pick the same bonus each time your armor's rarity increases or a different one if that is your preference.

MHMM Updates/Changes

Three new monsters have been added to the MHMM
- Tempered Amatsu
- Risen Shagaru
- Primordial Malzeno

Material Changes
Ludroth Immature sponge now says "while attuned to this weapon"
- Dragonborn Breath like materials have been reworked to be closer to Fizzban's dragonborn. This change provides more versatility to these materials by giving them more than one use per long rest (equal to half proficiency bonus for bonus action materials) and it replaces an attack as part of the attack action, instead of requiring an action to use them.

The action materials changed are: Daora Horn, Gaoren Claw, Rajang Fang, A.Rajang Fang, Kulu Gem, T.Kulu Gem.

The bonus action materials that changed are: R.Inferno Sac, Rathian Spike, Flame Sac, Blue Inferno Sac, Pumpkin Flame Sac, Blangonga Whisker, Torrent Sac

Additional Material Fixes
Baby Ludroth HP changed to 21 (no CR change)
- Ludroth Immature sponge now says "while attuned to this weapon"
- Blango and Blangonga ice chunk now add STR
- Giggi Bite changed to +2 from +1 which was missed when it was updated a while ago
- Ioprey Bite save DC is now 11 instead of 13
- Izuchi HP adjusted to 45 with the correct formula
- Juvenile Dodogama's Molten Rock now correctly has a +2 to its damage.
- Rachnoid Ram attack bonus reduced to +2 to mirror its strength
- The Sensitive Ears trait has been rewritten again for better clarity on all creatures that have it. Prior to this change RAW sonic bombs didn't work on the trait, so that has been corrected.
- Vaal Hazak - Raise Dead action moved to bonus action after latest play test.



I never really noticed just how much stuff you've made this past year, keep up the glorious work man!


Thank you and it varies year to year, but I feel like this was a really solid world building step for the guide. I am super happy with it.