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The Final Page of Part 3 Chapter 2. I felt like I really had to knock it out of the park. I didn't succeed but I still like how this page turned out. Once again, I may edit this tomorrow if I see anything I really don't like and can change.

Next week will be busy. You can expect the finished commission I posted a week ago, a pin up of Toph, and Page 37. 

Once the commission is done, I'll be opening them up again at the beginning of the month. This time there will be two slots available, so be prepared if you are interested.

I apologize that this is late, but there has been flooding near me. I had to set up some sandbags, a pump, and through it all my ISP kinda shat the bed so I really couldn't post any images online. It seems like everything is ok now.  See you next thursday. 



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