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I'm considering making it so that her face isn't smushed. We'll see how I feel about it later.
Edit: added non  smushed option. I kinda like it more. What do you think?

You know, I got multiple references for the foreshortening of the arms on this one. I know it's right, but invariably someone will comment that "hEr ArM iS tOo ShOrT" and those kinds of comments really held me back when I was a younger artist. Heeding them lead to work that was flat and unappealing.  



colin burke

Huh, you'd think Toph's belly would be bloated with cum by now...........

Daniel Onuoha

Both versions look great but I like Toph's face being smushed better as I personally like to imagine that Azula is really pounding her. I guess it depends on how rough you feel Azula is being right now. Also the arms look good from the perspective of the audience. I like that you put a lot of care into details like these. Looking forward to seeing more of your content.