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Edit: Huge edit.  I wanted her to be more active and dominant in this situation. So she's not only leaning in, but pulling him in. I also added the other guy. I wasn't going to at first because the perspective is just that obnoxious, but I decided "fuck it, I'd rather try and fail than not try at all."  The result of all the drawing, erasing, drawing, more erasing, and more drawing, is that this is a very dirty sketch. There are also a couple of tangents that need fixing.  But I'm happy with where it's at now, and the inking phase will get rid of that dirt.

Half-way done with sketches!

This was a rough one and I may clean it up/refine it later, so prepare for updates. My main concern was getting this angle right.  Every reference I found of this particular perspective made it seem like certain body parts weren't in the right spot. In the end I went with making everything fit. However, in getting the angle the way I wanted, some of the line work seems "scratchy" which I'll need to fix before I ink. I just really wanted to upload this today because I like this page. 

In this page Toph used her patented "look at them" technique. I made this page and the next one specifically to address whether or not toph could "look" in a direction.  While there are instances of the muscles that move the eye atrophying in blind people, what that usually results in is each eye looking in completely different directions. The fact that Toph "looks" straight ahead most of the time means that those muscles haven't atrophied. That means that she can technically move her eyes around. My headcanon is that her parents brought her to someone that helped her to "look" in the direction of someone who is speaking for the sake of being polite. Remember, in the show, Toph knew how to be polite she just actively chose not to.

Oh, and one more thing. Yes the soldiers are going to be "YCH" characters, but since they have a longer role they'll probably be more expensive. Although body type and origin will make "YC" more restrictive. So it could wind up being wash. I dunno. Still working it out.



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