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I actually have quite a bit to say. 

Of all the pages I've made thus far, this is my least favorite. Not just because of the meme, but also because the general draftsmanship is below what I am capable of. "Why not redraw it?" some may ask. Time and energy are the main reasons. The truth of it is, the more I look at Part 3, the more I'm thinkin it's likely not coming out till the end of the year, and I don't want to waste time on a page that no one will really care about. If we get to the end and I feel like I have kept a good enough schedule. I'll redraw it. If I don't have enough time, it can be a shitty page.

I am also using a new style of inking, one that uses a more natural brush and mimics the natural process a little more. The hope is that this rougher style will mitigate the loss of life when moving from sketch to inks. If you look at the 100% image, you'll see a whole host of errors and sloppyness. I plan to mitigate that in future pages, but this should give you an idea of where I'm going with linework.

Finally, I plan to ink for a little while. While not going in to specifics, some stuff happened in my personal life that has put me in a mental state where I can't sketch new pages. I don't want to halt work on the comic and the zen of inking helps me forget my problems. So I hope you're alright with seeing some cleaned up versions of pages you've already seen.

Thank you for your support, and I'll see you tomorrow.



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