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I'm back, again, and I am sorry that it took me so much longer than I had any right to to finish up this chapter. I know I've been mentioning it, but my wrist has continued to act up since I've had it operated on, and this time, I can't very easily feel my left hand at all, which has made writing frustrating for a number of reasons. I know that's still an excuse, but I want to give you all some sort of context as to why I've gone missing, inexcusable as it is. I've already posted that chapter to make up for it if only slightly, and am beginning to work on the next, but I have to say thank you for reading and for your support, and I'm sorry for my own lack of presence, and for rambling on.



Totally understandable. I hope your seeing a doctor about your wrist and doing your rehab training while not over doing it!


No worries, hand injuries suck so don't push your self if you don't think you can, we can wait a little longer for chapters