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Good day, everyone. I thought I'd take the time to do some inventory on all the projects I'm currently doing.

In here, I'd like to present what I currently have in-hand and the status of each one. If you just want a summary, just take a look at this document:



For each item in the sheets, I label the status as one of the following in order of progress:

1. Reference - just looking for reference pictures/details

2. Base Sketch - all content drawn with construction lines

3. Lineart - finished line art to be colored

4. Finished - all elements are drawn, fully colored, and ready for publishing

5. Published - media is available publicly. These are posted on DeviantArt, Pixiv, Patreon, and Pixiv Fanbox. Sometimes they are also posted on Twitter.

6. Discontinued - you can only find these in Side Projects that I don't really wanna do anymore



=> These are all compilations of stuff I like to do. They're usually in pin-up poses and in print quality.

If I'm lucky, I get Guest Artists to join in on the artbook. These artists are entitled to an artwork from me with similar quality as to what they contribute to the artbook. It kinda works like an art trade.

Once a set is finished, I compile them and make a Credits page that lists down all the Patrons during the course of the Set's making.


=> All of the paid stuff I get. If you spent money for my services, you can monitor my progress here.

Side Projects

=> Just some stuff I wanna do to take a break from Sets and Commissions. Some of these aren't gonna be made. It's just a list of stuff I might do.


=>No idea what to put here yet, but I'll discuss about it more below.


I have made some games in the past, and all of them are designed for RPG Maker. Currently, there are only several that are available online which I'll list further down. The other games that haven't been made are just prototypes and other stuff that I don't know what to do with any more. I'll discuss each one here. If you got some ideas on what the fuck I should do with these, contact me on Discord: roomukurei#6832 (Everything with [x] will probably not be worked on anymore)

1. Broken Moon [x] (RPG Maker MZ)

This is a Horror game that I tried making when I got into Dead Space lore. I played the first game and its sequel and it blew me away, so I thought I might try my hand on making my own lewd twist.

The story is about a freelance engineer named Cassia Kelion getting stuck inside a space station when her ship was accidentally pulled in by the station's malfunctioning gravity tethers. With her ship broken, she explores the station to find parts for repair, but it's completely abandoned and under the control of a rogue AI that controls the station's functions. In order to get the parts she needs, she needs to repair the broken space station and find what she needs to fix her shuttle.

Development on it started pretty well, but I kinda got bored with it. I do, however, have the outline on how the game can be played along with all the scenes that will happen. The main issue with development is mainly not having a dedicated artist since the one I had with me is busy with real life, so I'll need to find another in order for me to continue. That, and I need to get motivated.

2. Himeko's Cafe [I forgot the actual title] [x] (RPG Maker MZ)

This one was supposed to be a sim game where you run a cafe. The services involve tiggle slaves that you have to train, but my brain exploded from all the math I need to do as well as the vast amount of characters that I need to design. I was thinking of just smacking in other people's original characters, but it was still a pain to draw.

3. Amelia's Tickly Doom (ATD) (RPG Maker MZ)

This is like Maria's Tickly Doom (MTD) 2.0. It's an RPG with all the elements of MTD but streamlined and simplified to make it more convenient to just explore the world. Turn-based battles and puzzle solving are what comprises most of the mechanics, but the main meat of it is from the game over scenes.

I have already written several game over scenes (with the help of Darkblader7557), and I pretty much had high hopes for this one. I don't really have an excuse for not doing this other than just being too lazy for it. I already got a simplified battle system and it mostly just needs a lot of hard work to fill up the world.

Also, there are 5 party members now. You can watch the initial scene here:


4. Valeria (Working Title) (RPG Maker MZ)

From the Eternal Happiness prototype, I'm continuing with this. I already have all the voice assets ready for it. All that's messing is for me to get up off my ass and just do it. I will definitely do this since I've already invested but it'll take some time. I'll not spoil any details for this one though.

5. Ghostling (Working Title) (RPG Maker MZ)

This game is similar to Broken Moon, but instead of a space station, you explore a castle. It's not horror, but it does involve some spooky ghosts. The player has to find a way to unlock the secrets of the Ghostlings by satisfying their depraved desires. The entire thing is mostly black and white.

I'm working on it with this artist:


It was our idea and I thought it might be fun. I'm gonna be focusing on just this one before going all-out on Valeria, so look forward to it.

6. Skip (Working Title) (RPG Maker MZ)

I've already programmed this game a long time ago with my friend (https://www.deviantart.com/stuckupsnivy). It's all F/M foot worship + tickling with his characters. We have an outline for the game, but we've been struggling to look for a dedicated artist for it. As of now, we found an artist, but they haven't delivered anything yet. That's par for the course for this kind of stuff, but I'm at the end of my wits on where to find someone else if this artist doesn't work.

We've been at this for half a year already, and if we get abandoned again, I think I might break. lol.


Games that are finished:

Kelen Castle (RPG Maker XP) [Horror-Puzzle] (Starts with feet, but has armpits on second half): https://sta.sh/0jrs34newp7

Erin's Trials (RPG Maker MV) [Prototype for testing puzzles] (Mostly upper-body): https://www.deviantart.com/roomukurei/art/I-made-a-tickle-fetish-game-860667774

Eternal Happiness (RPG Maker MZ) [Prototype for voice, Abstract Horror + Puzzle] (Feet): https://www.deviantart.com/roomukurei/art/Eternal-Happiness-V1-4-892024886

Miko Run (RPG Maker MV) [Clunky pseudo-platformer] (All over): https://twitter.com/roomukurei/status/1197529601863536641?s=19

I'm also thinking of adding game development to my commissions. If you have an idea for an RPG Maker tiggle game and need someone to program it, I'd love to offer my services for you.


Aside from art and games, I'm mostly just working on irl stuff right now. It's hard to get by with the current state of the world, but we have to stay strong and keep pressing on.

I would also like to express gratitude to all the Patrons. Your donations have kept me afloat, and even the tiniest amount has helped out in supporting the content I create. Hopefully I can continue making content for everyone as much as I can.

Thank you for reading.


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