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Yurika's former friend lashes out in retaliation, hurting Yurika's boyfriend. Yurika escapes back to her sensei, and wishes for one final transformation...

...thus, wrapping up this story (thank you once again for your commission, Tythanin!), and our final Weekly Work for this set! ...Well, kind of! I do still wish to complete Week 2, as it sadly had to be cut short. I hope to be able to do it soon. Not to mention that I got quite sick for two weeks, which greatly slowed production.

And with that in mind, I also have another announcement: starting tomorrow, and for the next couple of days/weeks, I will not begin work on my next Weekly Work. Instead, I will give you updates to my next big commission! It will be a 30~ page work, and I have completed 11 pages for it so far. I hope to be able to return to my upcoming Weekly Works soon, but for now, I feel that I have to prioritize my bigger ones! Ultimately, you won't get any less content - you'll just have early access to something else instead for a while! I'll also share its scenes for you T2+ patrons as they come along, instead of in a big chunk at the end. 

Speaking of which... scenes for this WW will be uploaded in a short bit!



Thank you once again for taking my commission! You did an absolutely fantastic job with it, can't say there was anything I was unsatisfied with. Looking forward to seeing this big commission! Definitely curious to see what it'll be with your flare on it!