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Surprise! (To everyone except the person I talked to regarding this)

Over the past year (+some months) I've done numerous edits to already existing models (known as "cards", for those who don't know). Although I've released a handful of cards (the Uzakis (who are in need of an update, actually), Mash, and Asuna & Suguha).

I haven't released all that many cards, as I feel that simply editing them slightly hasn't, in most cases, been worth an entire new release of its own. Still, they are highly requested, and some edits are slightly more advanced than others, so I figure, hey, let's try and make these slightly more consistent. I haven't really decided on a timeframe for these, but I figure once every 2 weeks is fine... well, I might run out of characters, eventually, so we might take a few pauses here and there!

As is typical, I will release all my cards for free. That said, as patrons, you do deserve a bonus: T2+ patrons, for their generous support, will receive access to two cards: the free one, of course, as well as a card with new clothes and accessories, and other bonuses! (Gyaru alt, perhaps...?? maybe)

For every poll, I'll put up a poll with three characters, and a Free Choice (Request) option. If there's a specific character you want, please select that option and reply to the poll with a comment! If you just vote for Free Choice option without specifying what you want... then there was no point in choosing that option in the first place! (If you don't want to comment visibly, then you can also send me a private message!)

This first poll has its characters randomly chosen; for every subsequent poll, the winner will be replaced by the character most requested with the Free Choice option (unless a character receives more requests in the comments than any in the poll itself, which seems... unlikely), while the two previous remain. If the second highest requested character receives more comments than the third placer receives votes, the third placer is also kicked off!

That was a lot of rules and stipulations for something that can be summed up as simply as: vote for the character you want to be released next, and if you want to, you can request another character in the comments!

You don't need to request a character that I've actually worked with before, either. If it's a character you want, just go ahead and comment! The poll will run for 1 week, to give people time to think about what character they'd like to request.

(In truth, the (Request) option is mostly there in the poll to drive engagement. If it wasn't there, less people would comment about what they want, or so my Business 101 book tells me.)

For this first poll, to kick us off, we have: Ruby from RWBY, Kirino from Oreimo, and Nitocris from FGO. Please select your favorite heroine(s), and if you want a specific one, comment about it!



Oh, this is very neat. Just to make sure though, for request we actually have to request a character you've done, right? Like not just any character that might have a card floating out there >_> Anyway, my request is Pyra because I want that Gyaru alt.


I would prefer if it was something I'd done, but I am open to touching up cards that I haven't worked on! Also, good choice!