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Hello Patrons!

I have a bonus artwork to share with you. During my time off, I got back into doing traditional media, and really enjoyed doing art for myself. I think practicing traditional arts helps keep my skills adjusted so I don't rely too much on digital crutches. So as a new practice, I am making marker artwork for myself as a leisure activity.

I may not be sharing marker artworks on Patreon as much, since I am mainly doing this for myself. I know many of you don't really like such things as sneakers, watersports or fisting. This is more of a creative outlet for me. I do this on my free time, without cutting into the time for content that I make for you.

But I do wonder, do you want to see such content? Even if it may at times be offputting? Let me know in the comments what you think.

Although this artwork is shared uncensored on Twitter, the version here is at a much higher resolution. The artwork is attached for download in the post. Enjoy!

Why are sneakers so fucking sexy? Markus loves to indulge in his fetishes, and has to cum all over his sneaks, socks and ballcap. "Because sexy things need a good soaking!"




I would not mind seeing marker and other non-digital artworks, Maru. It looks really good! :)


I think it’s really nice!


Bring it all! You're art is always worth seeing!


First of all, Wow, this piece is just so pretty! It turned out spectacular. Second, you do you. Bring on the “off-putting”, I’d love to see any art you make, especially the art that makes you truly happy.


I'd love to see it, I reckon it'd be a smash hit :)


I'd love to see more watersports!


Bring on all the stuffs that you want. :) As a fellow creative we gotta remember that we can't please everyone, so do what makes you happy. :) With that said I'd love to see more watersports or sneakers or whatever strikes your fancy. :) Also, I keep forgetting to tell you that FilthyDirty inspired a whole bonus scene to one of my books. If you want I can send you a claim link for a copy, just let me know. :)


Bold of you to assume we don't want more kink


I feel represented lol


I'd like to see your non-digital works too! Also, I'm kinda curious, what markers do you use?


This is so good, that I have to recommend him for the suggestion box.


Hi I am in this picture


This is Great!!


I will try and share more whenever I get around to making more marker illustrations!


I'd love to see more of this!


The marker images give your characters a different kind of depth. I'd love to see your urinal boys :-P


My fantasy, hot feet, sweaty white socks, smelly sneakers! Rub them on my face!


Your drawings are spectacular. I would love to see more kink! Two of your hot boys fisting? Oh yeah! Do what makes you smile. There are many of us smiling along with you.

Mason Эыи́ч

Keep the kinky stuff comin' (😉), I say!!


I would like to see more of this