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Hi everyone, I just want to give a brief update on my next project, Star Love Zero Gravity, which will be an animated short with multiple scenes. While last month's animation was quite successful with multiple scenes, I will return to the cel-shaded style for this project. I am aiming to work on this project for the next three or so months. 

For Rock Hard patrons, you will be seeing some finished scenes for each month, though not necessarily in the correct order. There will be some nice scenes that can stand up on their own for sure. Steel Hard patrons will of course see all the work in progress throughout the next few months. 

I would like to aim to finish the short by end of November, but we shall see. I think it is doable! Thank you all for making this possible with your support. 

Speaking of which, if any of you are voice actors, and would like to voice one of the characters, please message me for details. I have posted a request here  https://twitter.com/maruten20/status/1170800465526738944  

Thanks again, I'm already excited to start animation on this project!



Looking forward to seeing Kazu's shenanigans :D And I'll do my best to keep my curiosity under control until the release day, but I'm 99.9% sure I will fail... Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! <3


Will there still be animations in between now and the finished project? Or will all your time be spent on it? Either way is cool, just keep up the good work.


SLOG will be the only animated project I will work on until hopefully December. But as a Rock Hard or Steel Hard patron, you should be seeing several scenes each month. They will all be combined in the final product.


Nice! Looking forward yo this!!