Natsumi x Seto (Patreon)
The two hottest characters in the popular BL dating game Camp Buddy (by Mikkokun and BlitsGames), going at it on the beach. Of course they're the best swimming buddies!
Seto: Damn, Natsumi, you're really big
Natsumi: Heh, I'm impressed you can take all of it in, Seto. Isn't this exciting?!
Seto: I'm sooo excited!
I originally posted this Camp buddy fanart on Twitter, uncensored. Of course, Twitter automatically brings down the resolution of uploaded images, so I uploaded the full res version here, 3840 x 2160, so you can appreciate some of the small details. I use this as my 4K desktop.
By the way, if you haven't played Camp Buddy, make sure you have the chance to play it. You can find out more here
Download this artwork below!