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With the lack of votes (no ones fault), I went ahead and chose the 'Salad' option. It was pretty easy to write the two follow-ups for our unfortunate food items, and Midjourney gave me this really great image. The cake was a bit harder to get an image for, the AI struggles with making weight gain look attractive, especially with African-American characters. I had a couple I might have used if that hadn't gotten any votes but since not...I went with this one.

Hope you enjoy.


"Mom, it, like, happened agaaain..." You whined as your training wand exploded in a flash of light and smoke. You stared disappointingly at the wisps as they dissipated into nothing, your full lips in a comical pout as you watched your 'mother' lean in from the doorway of the living room and give you a smile.


"Oh, keep trying, sweetie! Practice makes perfect!" Janine said, her voice dripping with amusement, "Maybe stop trying to stick 'like' into the spell so much!"


"Ugh, but its, like, totes hard! I'll, like, never learn how to cast a spell at this, ummm... " You whined in frustration, giving the spell book in front of you a glare over the rim of your glasses.


"Rate, honey. The word is rate" Janine, mom, said with a chuckle before pulling out another practice wand and placing it on the kitchen table where you were studying and gave your hatted blonde head a gentle, if patronizing, pat. You glared daggers at the table, knowing full well that your slow progress was her fault.

"Like, do I HAVE to wear this thingy?" You grumbled as you tugged on the stereotypical witch hat. You hated it SO MUCH. Not only was it humiliating, but it, like, totes clashed with your fashion!

"Yes, honey. It's traditional! Now keep at it, you'll figure out these beginner spells! Eventually!" Janine said with another amused smile before going back to the other side of the house and doing her own chores. 


Seven years. It had been seven years since the fateful day where your former wife, Janine, had caught on to your double-affair with Amanda and Yvonne, and had used magic to change both girls into food and forced you with an impossible choice. You hadn't been able to give her a child, specifically a daughter, and she had been okay with that for years. But then you'd cheated on her, twice, and she suddenly revealed that not only was she a witch, but she had turned both of your side-chicks into side-dishes! Two grown women into nothing more than food, Amanda had become a salad while Yvonne was nothing more than a chocolate cake! And to make matters worse, she had made you choose which one to eat and become her daughter to carry on the magical bloodline! And you had to choose, the only other option she gave you was for the three of you be absorbed into her boobs! Since you had no desire to be your wife's inanimate boob fat (even if you'd kept your mind), you made the only choice you could, and had chosen Amanda. The little blonde barista had been turned into a fresh and leafy salad, and as you'd slowly consumed every last bite of her under Janine's cruel glare, you had changed. Each bite of lettuce dissolved your middle-aged male traits, your skin becoming youthful and losing large amount of hair on it. With the diced carrots, your eyes grew larger and changed from hazel to blue, the tomatoes that popped into your mouth erased decades from your life! The sweet ranch, the same flavor as Amanda's kisses, shrank your Adam's Apple and changed your voice, and the small amount of onions, cabbage and croutons completed your transformation into a ten year old blonde girl! The moment the last bite had passed your lips and what had remained of Amanda's essence fused with yours, you looked at Janine and tried to cuss her out...only to find your ability to speak severely limited. In fact, you couldn't call Janine by her name at all! The only thing that would come out of your lips were 'mommy' or 'mom'!


The changes hadn't been limited to your physical appearance, but as you had consumed Amanda's salad form, reality had shifted as well. No longer were you Janine's husband, but you never had been! In this new raity, you were nothing more than her darling little girl, born after a one night stand after a particularly wild Girl's Night. That's all you were now. And you watched as your new mom, a look of satisfaction on her face, simply dumped the large chocolate cake that had once been Yvonne into the trash and had embraced you with love, affection...and a little bit of vindictiveness. And you, well, you had to grow up all over again, this time on the other side of the fence. And along with only being able to call Janine 'mom', you had also been forced to speak like an airheaded blonde, your speech littered with 'like' and 'totes' and other words that made you seem like an idiot. People thought it was cute until you hit your teenage years, and then all the other kids you were forced to go back to school with started calling you a bimbo! You could still more or less form complex thoughts, but whatever spell Janine had placed on you was making you act like an airhead! Amanda had been a bit flighty and ditzy, but this? This was overkill! What was worse is that sometimes it felt like the blonde was leeching into your actual brain now that you were re-approaching true adulthood. The one consolation had been that at least you had absorbed Amanda's good looks and Janine's DNA. So combined with how pretty Janine had been when she was younger, you were quite pretty even if your figure was somewhat lacking in curves. Not that it had kept the teen boys from making passes at you or grabbing at your butt in the school hallways. Or leering at you during PE or the awful, AWFUL cheerleading your mom forced you to do. To make things even worse, you sorta...liked it? You weren't sure if it was just a result of having girl hormones in your body for so long or if your dearest 'mother' had made you predisposed towards liking boys. Janine had already mentioned continuing the bloodline you were now part of when she walked your through your first...ugh, let's not even talk about that! At least you had friends that made this new reality a little more bearable, and since you were, well, a hawty, you were always being being invited to parties! You couldn't wait to head out and-

"Remember honey! No phone or going out until you can cast at least ONE of those baby spells!" Your mom called out from the other room, rubbing in the fact that while you now shared a bloodline, you were nowhere near the spellcaster you wanted and desired to be. Your 'mother' had you practicing on the equivalent of magical training wheels, with a little beginner's spellbook for babies and these stupid wands!

"Ugh! Like, 'kay mooom..." You groaned and turned your attention back to the spellbook, picking up the new practice wand. You were determined to become a powerful witch and take your revenge on mommy dearest. And then when you were done you'd turn yourself back into a man! You focus on the same spell you'd been trying all day to cast, a simple little flame spell for lighting candles. You scrunch your cute little face and focus as best you can before saying "Partum Paulo, like, Flamma!". The tip of the wand glowws brightly for a moment andd your eyes widen...only for your hopeful expression to turn pouty once more as the wand harmlessly incinerated again.

"Mooom..." You call out again. You weren't giving up, you could do this! You COULD be a man again! But first first you had to, like, totes figure out how to say these spells right and junk!



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